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3 Ways to Hear Her Heart: Decrypting Your Wife’s Words

Gentlemen, this post is for you. Let’s just be honest, we aren’t wired like our wives; especially when it comes to communication. Sometimes it feels like she’s speaking a completely foreign language.

We try to listen and respond the best way we know how; why does it sometimes have the complete opposite of the intended effect? This has happened to us more times than I care to admit. Is it because Selena is hard to communicate with? I don’t think so. Is because I’m dense? Perhaps. We’ve been married for almost 12 years (together for 16), so why do we still face communication issues? 

I have no clue.

While I can’t vouch for John Mayer’s views on marriage, he uses an apt analogy in his song “Daughters“:

I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But she’s just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change

As soon as we think we’ve found the “help” switch at last (!!), it moves. Right when we’ve got the “supportive” dial tweaked perfectly, it stops working.

I may not know exactly why the communication-maze walls change, but I think I’ve found a few ways to help navigate them.

1: Hear what she’s not saying

Selena and I have had countless conversations where she presents a frustration (to be fair, I often express the same), either with me or with a situation, and I simply address what she’s saying.

“You never help with the dishes!”, she might say. What do I do naturally? I tally up all the times in the past week I helped with dishes. Then I fire back: “What? I just did them yesterday, and 3 other times this week!”

Boom. Argument won. That’ll set the record straight, right? She’s frustrated about the dishes, so I’ll simply state the facts and it will be done…


Think! What is going on in her world that could be causing her to be on edge? Yes, it could just be the dishes. But it could also be a co-worker that said something hurtful. It could be a family issue weighing heavily on her. Maybe she’s dealing with an insecurity of her own.

The point here is that there isn’t always a cut and dry solution. As husbands, we need to discern what’s really going on and respond lovingly. Address the issue at hand, but keep the conversation going until she knows you’re right there with her, caring for her, and feeling what she feels. It’s called empathy fellas.

2: Less fixing, more listening

This is a big struggle for me, I love to fix things. Most men are the same way… “Hey man, got a problem? Here’s how to fix it.” Boom. Solved.

Men, your wife isn’t one of your guy friends… She’s not a flat tire, she’s not a leaky faucet, and she’s not a client submitting a helpdesk request. There is no manual.

She’s a living, breathing being who is coming to you for connection and compassion, not a simple solution. She needs to know that you’re there, present with her – able to walk through her storm side by side.

Sometimes, yes, there is a quick thing she needs help with. Selena always makes her laptop do weird things I never imagined possible… those are quick fixes. But when your wife comes to you with a sense of despondency and deep frustration, it’s time to perk those ears up and listen – fixing it may break it more.

It’s up to you to know and listen to your wife, you’re the only one who can – listen like your life depends on it. Then, lovingly (with the help of the Holy Spirit) minister to her, just as Christ ministers to the church. Pray with her, encourage her, and assure her that everything’s going to be alright. Sometimes that’s really the answer she’s looking for.

3: Fight frustration

Don’t be surprised when knee-jerk logic and fixes don’t calm things down.

Once, Selena and I were discussing some financial hurdles we were facing. My tactless expense shaving became abrasive, this gave rise to a heated debate about every area of lack she felt we had. Of course, everything was magnified at that moment.

My first reaction was to get VERY defensive and remind her of how hard I work and how blessed we are. “How can she be so ungrateful!!??” I thought. I started to steam and stew, simply waiting for my turn to speak so I could prove my point once and for all.

Then it occurred to me: the issue wasn’t the issue (Selena writes about that here). She was dealing with a lot and I just needed to see her, listen to her, and be present with her. Then I just needed to love her, speak tenderly, and remind her that everything was going to be just fine.

The result? As I softened, she softened. The walls began to crumble, and we were able to connect on a deeper level.

Husbands: it’s your job to know your wife

Bottom line: be in tune with your bride. You know her and what she needs right then. It’s not always simple but it is necessary.

As husbands we are mandated to love our wives as Christ loves the church. Next time you feel that burning desire to fire back a quick fix or logical retort, stop. Listen to what she’s not saying and respond lovingly so she feels loved.

Photo credit: Jeff Marsh Studios

Have you heard of the The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge?

Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?

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