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110 Fun Conversation Starters to Help (or Reboot) Marital Communication

man and woman sitting on car's trunk

Asking questions is vital to cultivating a communication culture that is healthy, dynamic, and growing. We generated the below list (with the help of AI) to help you ask better question in the name of growing closer to one another in marriage.

Feel free to use these prompts during date nights, road trips, or cozy evenings at home. So, let the conversations begin! Scroll through the categories, pick your favorites, and let the laughter, love, and exploration unfold.

Relationship Reflection:

  1. What’s one word that encapsulates the essence of our relationship?
  2. If our love story had a tagline, what would it be?
  3. Describe our marriage using only emojis.
  4. If we were characters in a novel, what traits would the author highlight about us?
  5. What movie title perfectly captures the essence of our marriage?
  6. If our love was a painting, what colors would dominate the canvas?
  7. What historical couple do you think we resemble, and why?
  8. If our relationship had a theme song, what would it be?
  9. What book or poem reflects our love story?
  10. If our marriage were a museum exhibit, what artifacts would be showcased?

Adventure and Fantasy:

  1. If we could spontaneously teleport to any place in the world, where would we go?
  2. In a parallel universe, what fantastical realm would you want us to explore together?
  3. If our love were a magical potion, what extraordinary powers would it grant?
  4. What fictional characters would we be if our lives were a fantasy novel?
  5. If we had a time-traveling machine, what era would you want us to visit first?
  6. If our relationship were a sci-fi movie, what thrilling plot twist would occur?
  7. In an alternate reality, what adventurous profession would we pursue together?
  8. If we could have a date in any fictional setting (book, movie, etc.), where would it be?
  9. What fantastical creature do you think symbolizes our relationship, and why?
  10. If we could live in any fictional world, which one would you choose for us?

Personal Growth and Goals:

  1. What’s one personal goal you’d like us to achieve together in the next year?
  2. If we had a couple’s bucket list, what’s the first goal or activity you’d add?
  3. What skill or hobby would you like us to learn and master as a team?
  4. If we were a dynamic duo of superheroes, what missions would we undertake to make the world better?
  5. What’s one personal goal you’d like to see each of us achieve individually?
  6. If our love story had a soundtrack, what genre would it be?
  7. What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve learned about me since we got married?
  8. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had about us?
  9. If we were in a sitcom, what would be our sitcom jobs?
  10. What’s the silliest reason you’ve ever given for loving me?

Humorous and Quirky Moments:

  1. If we were characters in a sitcom, who would play us in the movie adaptation?
  2. What’s the quirkiest thing you find attractive about me?
  3. What’s your go-to dance move when no one’s around?
  4. If we were characters in a sitcom, what would be our catchphrase?
  5. What’s the most hilarious thing you’ve caught me doing when I thought no one was watching?
  6. What’s the most random talent you think I possess?
  7. If we were in a comedy improv show, what scenario would we act out together?
  8. What’s your go-to dance move when you’re trying to impress me?
  9. If our relationship had a soundtrack, what genre would it be?
  10. If we were professional wrestlers, what would be our signature moves?

Unexpected and Thought-Provoking Scenarios:

  1. What’s your favorite inside joke that only we understand?
  2. If we were characters in a comedy movie, what would be our comedic conflict?
  3. What’s the most unusual compliment you can think of that would make me laugh?
  4. If we were in a comedy sketch, what would be our recurring punchline?
  5. If our love story was a weather forecast, what would the forecast be for today?
  6. What do you think our pets dream about when they’re sleeping?
  7. If we were chefs, what dish would be our signature creation?
  8. What would be our couple name if we were a famous celebrity couple?
  9. If our love story was a social media hashtag, what would it be?
  10. What’s the most unconventional talent you think we could showcase in a talent show?

Dreamy and Romantic Moments:

  1. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever dreamt about us?
  2. If we were cast in a romantic movie, who would be our ideal director?
  3. What’s your favorite romantic movie scene that you’d want us to recreate?
  4. If we were characters in a love song, what would be the title of our song?
  5. What’s the most enchanting memory you have of us?
  6. If our love story was turned into a painting, what would be the scenery?
  7. What’s your idea of the perfect romantic getaway for us?
  8. If we were characters in a fairytale, what magical element would define our story?
  9. What celestial bodies do you think represent us in the night sky?
  10. If our love was a constellation, what would it be called?

Travel and Exploration:

  1. If we had the chance to live in any city in the world, where would you choose?
  2. What’s the most exotic destination you’d want us to visit together?
  3. If we were characters in a travel documentary, which episode would be the most exciting?
  4. What’s your dream road trip playlist for our next adventure?
  5. If we could have a date anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  6. What cultural festival or event do you think would perfectly capture our spirit?
  7. If we were explorers, what hidden treasure would we search for?
  8. What’s the most memorable place you’d want us to revisit together?
  9. What’s the most unique travel experience you’d want us to share?
  10. If we were on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?

Laughter and Playfulness:

  1. If we were comedians, what would be our comedic style on stage?
  2. What’s the funniest thing that has happened during our travels together?
  3. If our love story was a comedy podcast, what would be our podcast name?
  4. What’s the weirdest nickname you can come up with for each other?
  5. If we were in a sitcom, what would be our sitcom jobs?
  6. What’s the most unique date idea you’ve never mentioned but secretly want to try?
  7. If we were characters in a comedy movie, what would be our running joke that keeps coming back?
  8. What’s the silliest reason you’ve ever given for loving me?
  9. If our love story was a comedy play, what would be the plot twist?
  10. What’s the most unconventional talent you think we could showcase in a talent show?

Nostalgia and Memory Lane:

  1. If we could relive one day of our relationship, which day would it be?
  2. What’s your favorite memory from our early days of dating?
  3. If we had a time machine, what moment in our past would you want to revisit together?
  4. What’s the first thing that attracted you to me when we met?
  5. If we were to create a scrapbook of our relationship, what moments would you include?
  6. What’s your favorite memory of us overcoming a challenge together?
  7. If our love story had a sequel, what would the next chapter be about?
  8. What’s the most heartwarming surprise you’ve ever planned for me?
  9. If we were to recreate our first date, what details would you want to stay the same?
  10. What’s the most sentimental item from our relationship that you cherish?

Sentiments and Affection:

  1. What’s the sweetest gesture you’ve ever received from me?
  2. If you could write a love letter to our younger selves, what would it say?
  3. What’s your favorite way to express affection that isn’t verbal?
  4. If we had a secret code or signal for “I love you,” what would it be?
  5. What romantic gesture from a movie or book would you want me to replicate?
  6. If our love story had a soundtrack, what songs would be on it?
  7. What’s the most touching compliment you’ve ever received from me?
  8. If our love was a dance, what style of dance would it be?
  9. What’s your idea of the perfect romantic evening for just the two of us?
  10. If we were poets, how would you describe our love in a few verses?

Random and Fun Questions:

  1. If we could swap lives with any fictional couple for a day, who would it be?
  2. What’s your favorite silly tradition or routine that we have?
  3. If we were characters in a board game, what would be our special abilities?
  4. What’s the most unexpected compliment you’ve ever given me?
  5. If we were dessert items, what would we be, and why?
  6. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had about us?
  7. If we were in a comedy sketch, what props would we use to create laughs?
  8. What would be our couple karaoke song that always brings the house down?
  9. If we were in a comedy duo, what would be our dynamic on stage?
  10. What’s the most unusual dish you think we could create together in the kitchen?

Have you heard of the The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge?

Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?

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