20+ Creative Date Ideas to Stay Connected

Different seasons of life can leave you and your spouse feeling more like roommates rather than husband and wife. If you need creative date ideas to spark some fun and intentional engagement with your spouse, this episode is for you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

110 Fun Conversation Starters to Help (or Reboot) Marital Communication

Asking questions is vital to cultivating a communication culture that is healthy, dynamic, and growing. We generated the below list (with the help of AI) to help you ask better question in the name of growing closer to one another in marriage. Feel free to use these prompts during date nights, road trips, or cozy evenings at home. So, let the conversations begin! Scroll through…

5 Phrase Every Wife Needs to Hear Often

Last week we talked to the ladies, but this week it’s all eyes on men. Husbands, listen in to hear five phrases your wife needs to hear often. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

The Immeasurable Importance of Friendship and Fun

Friendship always adds vitality and fun to your marriage. In this episode, we talked about what the Bible has to say about fun and looked at how that reality can transform our friendship. Enjoy… and have fun! Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Returning to Basic Rhythms of Rest & Relationship

Our family played hard this summer. We said “Yes!” to all the pool and beach time we could and “Yes!” to all the popsicles. It felt so good to say yes, be out, and see our people. But every action has an equal and opposite reaction, right? So as we joyfully said “Yes!” to a lot of fun things, we were necessarily saying “No” to…

Prioritizing Our Marriage by Taking it Off Cruise Control

It seems like it should be easy, effortless, even fun. Of course our marriage is a priority.  As restrictions on this pandemic lift, however, we’ve realized we’ve very much set our marriage to cruise control these last 13+ months. And suddenly, the effects are settling in.  See, when the world shut down last spring, we quickly adjusted to a new way of life. Calendars scaled…

I Love You… I Just Don’t LIKE You Right Now

If you’d rather be at work than at home, then you may not LIKE your spouse… or, if you’d prefer to spend time with others over your spouse, then you may not LIKE each other as much as you realized. The examples go on! This problem is not uncommon among otherwise happily married couples. What’s uncommon, however, is when couples know how to get back…

The “15 Second Kiss” Experiment

We tried this experiment, it was awesome, so you should try it too. “Selena and I kiss plenty, but we realized that we don’t often kiss for more than a few seconds. I’m not exactly sure why, but I do know it wasn’t like that when we were dating. We made out way too much and for too long when we were dating… After my…

Prayer + Pursuit, and Why Your Marriage Needs Both

Your marriage needs both PRAYER and PURSUIT. Prayer is going to God and entrusting him with everything that is out of your control, while pursuit means choosing to live out the actions of love. In this episode we hashed out principles and practicalities around both. Enjoy!