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5 Anchors of an Active, Fulfilling Sex Life

Culture seems more confused by sex than ever before. Scandals, misconduct, gender identity, and cultural sexualization all contribute to an already confusing conversation. As Christian married couples, it’s vital that we press into the confusion and fight through to a place of clarity. We must ask, how can we conform our understanding of sex and intimacy to God’s original design? How can we honor God with our sexuality—our desires, our expressions, and our conduct—for our joy and His glory?

In today’s podcast, we identify 5 anchors for a fulfilling, God-designed sex life based on what we see in Genesis 2, before the Fall.

Show Notes:

Scripture: Genesis 2:24-25

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Two things we’re highlighting as part of God’s perfect design for marriage and sex:

  1. They’ve been joined as one flesh.
  2. They were naked and unashamed. No shame.

Any shame we feel is a result of distortion of sex because of sin. We must do the work to understand sex clearly in a culture where it’s increasingly confused. God’s Word is always our guide.

The 5 Anchors of a Fulfilling Sex Life

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Stay fierce,

Ryan and Selena

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