In a recent post I shared my latest struggle in our current situation and I have to say that God has been providing me with more encouragement, hope and contentment than I have had in a long time. I know that part of that is because of the precious prayers from our FM community – how do I even begin to thank you? What a special blessing each of you are to us and to each other.
Another way that God has been directing me is through another book that I’ve had the privilege to dive into, Lysa Terkeurst’s latest The Best Yes. Talk about timing.
The Best Yes is not a marriage book, but everything about it deals with how we, as women, can “make wise decisions in the midst of endless demands,” (front cover) and I think it’s safe to say that our marriage falls under “endless demands” – in a good way.
Trust me, you won’t be able to put it down.
A bit about The Best Yes
Reading this book feels like you’re sitting down to have coffee with one of the most Godly, anointed and just plain amazing friends. Lysa’s transparency is admirable and her honesty is unforgettably enduring.
The book is practical and deep all at the same time.
As women, wives, mothers – whatever stage we find ourselves in, we often struggle with this need to please people. Even if it costs us time we don’t have, energy and focus that should go to our spouse/kids and finances we shouldn’t be spending.
I believe the enemy is strategic in his attacks on us and if he can get us “caught in the rush of endless demands,” (p. 10) then we will inevitably miss out on what God is really asking us to do, simply put: rebellion. Strong language, but a truth that should not be overlooked because as followers of Christ, we have a role in furthering His kingdom.
“In God’s plan, you’ve got a part to play. If you know it and believe it, you’ll live it. You’ll live your life making decisions with the Best Yes as your best filter. You’ll be a grand display of God’s Word lived out. Your undistracted love will make your faith ring true. Your wisdom will help you make decisions that will still be good tomorrow. And you’ll be alive and present for it.” (p. 6)
How The Best Yes has impacted me
Personally, right now, this book has convicted and instructed me in where I’m struggling most: trying to figure out God’s will for my life – more specifically defined (by me) as where are we going to live? What are we going to do? Oh, and by the way, do you know I have a very busy 8 month old?
“The one who obey’s God’s instruction for today will develop a keen awareness of His direction for tomorrow.” (p. 11) — thump! Just me falling and picking myself up off the floor because I got hit across the head by the weight of these words.
Obedience before direction.
Lysa unpacks this in a beautiful way and I’m not going to share too much more because I really want to encourage you to read it for yourself (and buy an extra copy for a friend! I always love giving books away, so I always buy more than one).
Lastly, Lysa explains why and how to deal with the idea of trying to please everyone. How we often do whatever we can to make people happy because “we dread saying yes, but feel powerless to say no.” (p. 154)
I see the ramifications of this in dealing with friends and relationships outside of marriage. We run ourselves ragged trying to keep the peace and be off-the-chart friends with everyone instead of realizing that a) it’s impossible to please everyone, b) the only One we really need to be concerned with pleasing is Jesus, and c) who often bares the brunt of our craziness? Our spouse (and then kids).
Unbroken Companionship
My favorite part about this book is how Lysa ultimately is pointing us back to our Savior.
Reminding us to go to Him and begin (or restart) that bond of “unbroken companionship” (p. 18) that is so in sync with the Lord that no matter His request; talk to that stranger about Him or those thousands of strangers, we can give the best yes when we are tuned into our Father.
“Unbroken companionship helps us hear His instruction so then we can see His direction. We must not seek direction before obeying His instruction.” (p.18)
Can I get an Amen?
Why you should read it (if you haven’t figured it out yet)
The quotes above are a few of the gems that have taken resident in my heart. I could share much more, but would rather you read it for yourself.
I would strongly encourage you to pick up this book as soon as you can and start incorporating it into your day. Even if it means reading one paragraph a day (which is seemingly impossible).
It’s a great read, full to the brim with God’s wisdom, and instructions on how to truly, and simply live for Him.
If you’re struggling in any way (marriage, self-image, parenting) again, I would encourage you to add The Best Yes to your daily time with the Lord and dive deeper in your faith and knowledge of how to biblically deal with feelings of being overwhelmed and or the fears of disappointing others.
I’ll leave you with one final quote and then – go buy the book!
“The decisions you make determine the schedule you keep. The schedule you keep determines the life you live. And how you live your life determines how you spend your soul.”
Let’s spend our souls on the things of God and not the things of this world.
Question: What is one thing you can say “no” to in the interest of pursuing your “Best Yes”?
Please respond in the comments below!
Get a free copy!
This month we’d like to give away a copy of The Best Yes. Make sure to join our email list below and we will pick a random subscriber and send them a book!
Have you heard of the The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge?
Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?