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Crushing Comparison

It seems natural to compare ourselves to others. As humans, we compare appearances, careers, marriages, and even spouses. Society encourages it. The chief problem of comparisons is that they’re usually based on romanticized half-truths. Most often when we compare, we base expectations of ourselves on standards that aren’t accurate – they’re perceived.

Comparisons stifle progress; only truth in light of the gospel causes real growth.

In the past I’ve caught myself comparing Selena and me to other couples. It usually stems from some insecurity of mine, where I’m seeking validation by measuring us against an outside standard. For example, if we’ve just had a fight, I’m more apt to compare us to friends that have a happy, “perfect” marriage.

If we’ve had a busy week and our clothes are everywhere, I think: “So-and-so’s house is NEVER this messy…why are we such slobs?” The same is true for our car, yard, bathroom, and even the kitchen sink…. Sounds ridiculous when I list it all out like that.

What’s worse is when we compare and think we’re better: “Oh man, look at how they’re bickering. We’ve really got it together right?

Marriage comparisons take on a few typical forms:

You name it, there’s a comparison for it. Few things can be as damaging to your marriage than unhealthy comparisons; they crush and demoralize the spirit. In 2 Corinthians 10:12, Paul states that those who make comparisons are “without understanding”.

Compare no more

It’s important to realize that nobody is perfect. Everyone has their “stuff” though it’s not always visible. It’s way too easy to look at other happy couples and assume they don’t have issues of their own. Even the happiest couples fight and bicker. The most grounded couples have experienced or are currently experiencing cracks in their foundation.

In fact, if a couple never shows cracks in their marriage, it’s probably wiser to suspect they’re just better at hiding them before assuming they’re not there…

Selena and I meet with many couples, usually just to spend time together and hang out. When the relationship matures a bit and we let each other in, we get to see behind their curtain a bit. They see behind ours. It’s refreshing to learn that they aren’t perfect, just like us. This alleviates stress and opens the door for constructive growth through relationship.

If you have couples that you respect, I encourage you to spend time talking about real issues with them. You will inevitably find that they have the same struggles as you and there’s room to help each other grow and mature. We even have a few veteran couples that we maintain contact with and seek advice from when we hit bumps.

Unhealthy comparisons are formulated from a distance, while relationship and transparency allow for honest growth. If we are going to crush comparisons, we must know our true source of identity – both individually, and as a couple.

One comparison worth making

We are not called to keep up with the Joneses, we are called to be like Christ. In a recent devotion, I read a passage that rocked me to the core:

Jeremiah 9:23-24
…“Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

We aren’t built to compare ourselves to others – boasting in our minds about our wisdom, might, and riches. We also can’t measure up by looking at our behavior in light of social standards alone. The Bible calls this “being justified by the law” (Romans 3:27) – it’s an antiquated standard! We must find our identity in Jesus alone and his sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21).

When we compare ourselves to Jesus, it isn’t with the goal of matching his perfect standard. That’s insane. Looking to Jesus is a constant and obvious reminder that we must rely on his perfect righteousness for our ultimate worth, value, and security.

When we place our full trust in Christ, God sees Jesus in us – in him, we’re utterly righteous, worthy, and perfect! God’s grace allows us to operate from a place of identity and confidence.

It’s only from this foundation and comparison that we can finally put an end to comparing ourselves to others (it’s exposed for the foolishness it is). And from there, we can trust Christ to help us build a truly healthy marriage.

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