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Devotion: Keep the House, Toss the Bulb

We live in a “throw away” culture. If we’re not careful this attitude can permeate our lives in areas that matter most, marriage included. The quote in the image below (author unknown) is powerful because it reminds us that we mustn’t be too quick to discard our whole marriage when parts of it simply need renewal, removal, or replacement. Otherwise, the cost is too great and the sacrifice unnecessary.

“Bad bulbs” accumulate quickly when left unattended. They gradually darken the rooms and hallways of your home as darkness creeps in where light is absent. In marriage, bad bulbs can be hurts unexpressed, forgiveness withheld, or a lack of good habits that were never established. There’s great news! Christ’s light pierces every dim space, and darkness never overcomes it.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

All areas of sin and discord–darkness–are rooted in an implicit disbelief in the gospel. When you hide sin or let it wreak havoc in your marriage, you set aside the goodness of Christ and what he’s done to grab hold of something else. You replace his lordship with your own and craft idols, made of either pride or fear. Without the gospel, idols pile up and darkness follows. After enough rooms grow unlivable, you’ll want to move out. The key to sustaining marriage is not in replacing bad bulbs with new bulbs of the same nature, it’s in replacing your brokenness with Christ’s completeness. Don’t sell the house, keep it! Just replace bad bulbs with the only light that will never fade: Jesus.

Discussion Questions

Take a few minutes to answer these questions honestly and transparently with your spouse.

  1. Are there any “bad bulbs” or “dark hallways” in your marriage? In other words, do you have any unresolved or hidden issues that should be brought to light?
  2. How can you sustainably replace your bad bulbs with the light of Christ? What changes are needed?

About this Article

This post is an excerpt from our new 30 day couple’s devotional, Two as One: Connecting Daily with Christ and Your Spouse. Every day you will explore topics that affect your marriage and learn how the Gospel is central to every aspect of your relationship. We hope you’ll consider

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Have you heard of the The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge?

Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?

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