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How is Your Phone Hurting Your Marriage? (Part 1)

You’re probably using your smartphone to read this. Truth is, your phone is a great tool, but it can also create problems in life and marriage. Don’t believe me? Take a moment to ask yourself a few diagnostic questions:

  1. Do you consistently check your phone first thing in the morning?
  2. Do you spend many of your idle moments checking it compulsively?
  3. What is the longest stretch you’ve gone in the past year without checking your phone?
  4. Has your phone (i.e. being distracted by what’s on it) negatively affected your relationship with God?
  5. How about your relationship with your spouse?

Don’t get me wrong… phones (and technology) aren’t inherently “evil”. They are great… GREAT tools and great gifts from God (common grace is alive and well). The problem is our hearts… which are in constant need of the sanctifying work of Jesus.

In today’s episode, we’ll start this conversation by diving into a new book we’re both reading.

Note, we weren’t paid to do this, we’re just VERY convicted about this subject and the below book is gospel-centered, relevant, and challenging. (My answers to the above questions aren’t pretty.)

Mentioned Resource

Listen to “How is Your Phone Hurting Your Marriage? (Part 1)” below.

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