Crushing Comparison (Stop Comparing to Others!)

There’s a reason “do not covet” made it as the tenth commandment. Coveting ultimately leads to death and it’s no different when it comes to your own marriage. We hope this episode blesses you. Watch, or Listen Below!


10 (Simple) Ways to De-Escalate Arguments and Fights

We believe in reconciling and reconciling fast, but many times our earthly flesh gets in the way of that! Listen in for 10 practical tips on how to handle conflict within your marriage. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


What if We’re Unequally Yoked?

Are you married to someone who is unequally yoked to you? Or are you considering marriage with someone who might not be a good match in this regard? This episode is for you! It’s also a must-watch if you offer guidance to others facing these challenges. We hope this discussion blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


What’s the Right Age to Get Married? Should I Marry Young?

Throughout the past few decades, we’ve seen couples getting married later and later. Why do you think that is? Join us as we unpack this idea and find out if there is a magic age you should get married. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Should Your Spouse Really Be Your Friend?

Hot take: Calling your spouse your best friend is a demotion compared to calling them your husband/wife. Tune into this episode to learn how to see friendship rightly in marriage. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Ways to Warm Up a Cold Marriage

Everyone wants a vibrant, thriving marriage, but what happens when day-to-day life causes you to feel distant from your spouse? Spoiler alert: a vacation is not the lasting solution. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


What if I want kids but my spouse doesn’t?

As a Christian, what is your role when it comes to childbearing? Listen in as Ryan and Selena address a listener’s question about this very topic. We hope it blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
