How to Find (and Agree On) a Church

Today we discussed the right questions to ask before deciding on a church to call home. Join us as we share our personal journey and set up a guide for those who are in a similar season of church hunting. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Help, I Have a Passive Husband!

One of our listeners wrote in and described living in a marriage with a passive husband. While it is impossible to change the husband’s heart, there is something we can address: How do I live in a godly way within a contentious marriage? Watch, or Listen Below! Listen Here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


I Caught My Wife Texting Another Man

Today we’re addressing a question sent in from a viewer, “I caught my wife texting another man, what do I do?”. It’s a heartbreaking thing to consider, but there is hope in the heartbreak. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Are Prenuptial Agreements Biblical?

Whether you’re a newly engaged couple considering prenups, or perhaps you are married and currently have a prenuptial agreement, join us today as we unpack what the Bible has to say about it. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Our Secret Weapon for Communication

Our secret weapon for communication is a practice as old as time, but one that is seldom used often enough. Tune in as we discuss ways to have healthy lines of communication that build up your marriage for the glory of God and for your joy. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Do We Need Marriage Mentors?

Many of us have heard the term “marriage mentor” before, but today we want to introduce another, perhaps less intimidating way to receive relational guidance in your marriage. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Why Is Marriage Worth Fighting For?

In this episode, we want to encourage and embolden you to fight fiercely for your marriage and remind you why it’s so important. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Building Biblical Literacy in the Home

If taken seriously, this single topic could revolutionize your marriage, and it’s probably the one that most take for granted: Biblical Literacy. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


The Dangers of DMs

Can any good come from DMing the opposite sex… when they’re not your spouse? We don’t think so. Watch to explore alongside us. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


The Husband Paradox

How can a husband be tough for his wife, but tender with her? Today we discuss just that. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes


Your Tongue is Fire… Does it Warm or Burn?

The tongue is fire. Will it warm your home, or torch everything to the ground? Today we looked at James 3 and talked about taming the tongue. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
