The Myth of the Soulmate

Is there just ONE person you should marry? What if you think you married the wrong person? In this episode we talked about why the idea of the “soulmate” is a myth, and everyone would be better off if it just went away. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

God is love…but, love isn’t God!

Love might not be what you think it is. In this episode we’ll look at the wonderful, counter-cultural, biblical idea of love. Enjoy, and thanks for listening! Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Love Your Spouse for the Joy Set Before You

Loving and serving my spouse…. and loving and serving myself. What’s the relationship between the two? Are they opposites? They certainly seem to be! Is one part of the other? Which one? Two truths from Scripture Jesus is very clear in Luke 9:23—  If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. We also have…

5 Habits to Consistently Feel Joy Together (Joy, 4 of 4)

In past episodes we’ve looked at why joy is rightfully attached to our emotions. But, we don’t have to wait until we feel joy to stir it up in ourselves! In this week’s episode we talked about 5 very tangible things couples can do to have consistent joy together. We hope it blesses you!   Read the Full Transcript

Truly Enjoying Your Spouse (Joy, 2 of 4)

You love your spouse, but do you *like* them? It was affection that brought you together, but what should you do when affection fades and marriage begins to lack joy? In today’s episode we talked about truly enjoying each other by looking at three ingredients necessary for a joy-filled relationship.   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

The Roots of Marital Joy (Joy, 1 of 4)

Everyone wants a joy-filled marriage—one that’s happy and where you feel love for your spouse and you feel their love reciprocated. Life happens, joy fades, and where does that leave us? As Christians, we have the promise of joy as we walk in step with the Spirit. So, what should do in times when joy feels foreign and impossible to find? In this episode we’ll…

Do You Know that You are Loved?

Throughout my life, all of my biggest struggles have grown from the same root. Whether it was years of being addicted to pornography or years of feeling extreme loneliness and insecurity, it all came from the same place— not truly believing God could love me. And until that root issue was addressed, there was no way for me to love Jamie, much less anyone else.…

The Importance of Encouraging Words

I remember the way it made me feel to hear her speak the nicest things in the world to me. She went on and on about how talented I was, how nice I was, and how meaningful I had been in her life as a songwriter and pastor. The words felt good. Real good. They were incredibly gracious and over-the-top nice. But there was a…

4 Keys to Connect with Your Spouse When Your World is Crumbling

Intimacy requires investment. Connection requires cultivation. We cannot expect marriages to grow and strengthen in the course of regular, daily life— or the added chaos of any trial!— if we are not willing to invest time, energy, and servant-hearted love in the relationship. In the early years of my marriage my husband and I had no clue how to cultivate real connection. It took years…

5 Hurtful Phrases to Delete From Your Marriage Vocabulary

It’s impossible to define everything everyone should or shouldn’t say in every situation. However, there are some phrases that are usually unhelpful for marriage. Join us as we explore each one! Our brand new marriage learning project, Gospel Centered Marriage is now LIVE. It’s a great way to get a solid marriage foundation and finally get on the same page. Visit to learn more.…