In Part 1, we explored the subtle yet powerful ways the enemy works against marriages in today’s culture. In this final part, we dive deeper into the remaining tactics and, more importantly, how to guard against them. Join us for this insightful discussion on strengthening your marriage and family. Watch, or Listen Below!
12 Tactics of the Devil to Destroy Your Marriage (Part 1 of 2)
Ryan posed a question to ChatGPT and said, “Imagine you were the devil, how would you strategically go about destroying the family unit?” The response was eerily similar to what we’re witnessing in today’s culture. Don’t miss this eye-opening discussion—stay tuned to equip yourself in the good fight for your marriage and family. Watch, or Listen Below!
3 Ways to Keep a Clean House
In this episode, we’re not talking about doing dishes (although that may fit in somewhere), we’re walking you through 3 ways to keep a healthy, thriving marriage. You won’t want to miss this! Watch, or Listen Below!
Are You in a Truly Christian Marriage?
Are you living out a gospel-centered marriage? In this video, we explore a common theme we’ve noticed in some marriages that proclaim to be Christian. Do they truly reflect Christ’s life, death, and resurrection? Join us to find out! Watch, or Listen Below!
What if I’m in a Sexless Marriage?
We’re talking about the elephant in the bedroom… What kind of frequency should you have with your spouse in the bedroom? Watch, or Listen Below!
Why You NEED to Join a Good Church for the Good of Your Marriage
It’s rare to hear about a couple in perpetual dysfunction who also regularly attends a faithful, solid church. What do we mean by this statement? Tune in to find out. Watch, or Listen Below!
Learning to Love IN-LAWS Better
There’s never a bad time to have discussions about handling in-laws, but it feels especially timely heading into the holiday season. Listen in as we give practical steps to loving our in-laws better. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
5 Ways to FINALLY Get Unity Around Time and Priorities
As Christians, we are called to prioritize what God prioritizes. How should that statement manifest itself in our daily priorities? It’s brought us clarity in our life’s big and small decisions, so we hope this episode is helpful for you too! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Lessons Learned about S-X in 20ish Years of Marriage
God made s*x for our good and His glory, BUT a thriving intimate life with your spouse doesn’t happen by accident. It takes good communication, intentionality, effort, and several other lessons we’ve learned throughout our marriage. Listen in! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
7 Ways to Have Better Conflict In Your Marriage
There’s no avoiding it; we all encounter conflict in our marriages. The real question is: how well do you handle it? Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes