How They Rebuilt Trust After Betrayal

We promise you’ll leave encouraged and inspired after hearing the miraculous way the Lord worked through this couple’s marriage and spoiler alert… their divorce. Tune in to hear an incredible redemption story from our friends, the Teagues.

Crushing Comparison (Stop Comparing to Others!)

There’s a reason “do not covet” made it as the tenth commandment. Coveting ultimately leads to death and it’s no different when it comes to your own marriage. We hope this episode blesses you. Watch, or Listen Below!

Should Your Spouse Really Be Your Friend?

Hot take: Calling your spouse your best friend is a demotion compared to calling them your husband/wife. Tune into this episode to learn how to see friendship rightly in marriage. Watch, or Listen Below!

The 8 Purposes of S-E-X (and Why They’re Not What You Think)

Sex is purposed for more than babies and pleasure. Listen to today’s episode where Ryan and Selena explore the other six purposes of sex, we think you’ll hear at least one you didn’t anticipate. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Follow-Up: Answering Questions About Husbands Initiating Intimacy

We’ve had several questions from viewers regarding our past two videos… which is good! We are open to dialogue and appreciate the opportunity to further this discussion. Join us as we address certain questions and concerns viewers had about husbands being the primary initiators of intimacy. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes