The 7 Reasons for Sex (Sex Talks, 1 of 4)

Sex talks! This episode begins our series that’s all about sex. Today we talked about the 7 (Biblical) Reasons for Sex in order to set the stage for more granular—and perhaps tougher—talks in coming weeks. We hope that as you listen, we’re able to put words to feelings you’ve felt and give you tools to begin building a healthier, more Christ-centered sex life in your…

Skill #4: Making Sex Better (Back to Basics, 4 of 4)

As we finish out this series on marital basics and skills, we’re discussing the topics of sex and intimacy. The trouble most couples face in this area stems from a misunderstanding of the very nature of their sex life as a couple and the fact that it is, in fact, an area where you’re meant to grow and explore and figure out over your lifetimes…

How Do I Know if I Have a Pornography Problem?

There used to be a clearer line between the appropriate and inappropriate. But today, movies, TV shows, music, social media accounts, video games, billboards, magazines— many of them contain inappropriate, sexually-stimulating material. To be clear: Since the Fall in Genesis 3, every human culture has distorted God’s pure and holy intention for human sexuality. What’s perhaps unique to our culture is just how pervasive, accessible,…

Crushing Porn Use With God’s Joy Over You

What if Eve had just poked her head around the tree instead of staring at its fruit? What if Adam had reminded her of the fruit hanging from other trees just a few steps away? She could’ve spent her whole day rejoicing in all of the fruit God had given her to eat. Five minutes later she could’ve been so lost in God’s good pleasures…

Boundaries and Sex

Boundaries are an inherent part of every married couple’s sex life. The question is, are your sexual boundaries clear? Are they communicated? And are they actively enforced? In today’s episode we’ll walk through two critical passages of Scripture that teach us about boundaries and discuss examples of how they can be applied in marital life. Enjoy!   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

How to Talk About Sex

Every healthy married couple should not only prioritize sex but also communicating on the topic of sex. None would likely disagree (at least, not in most modern contexts), because what can a couple lose by talking about their sex life together? This a peculiar topic because it’s one area where we’ll heartily agree with the culture’s message: it’s right, good, and healthy to talk about…

Be Romantic or… Repent??

What if someone told you that you needed to repent for a lack of romance in your marriage? You’d probably respond like us: bewildered, defensive, and with nervous laughter. In today’s podcast episode we’ll dig beneath the surface understanding of romance and talk about how how it’s connected—in more ways than one—to the states of our hearts. It was a fun, challenging talk but our…

The 5 Biggest Obstacles to Transparency During Lockdown

We’re finding that even though couples are spending more time together than ever, they’re still drifting apart. Physical closeness doesn’t automatically beget emotional intimacy. In this special episode, we discussed the 5 most common reasons husbands and wives fail to be fully known by each other. This recording is from a special online event hosted by Impactus Ministries (Promise Keepers Canada). Visit to learn…

Sex as a Weapon?

One of the first pieces of advice we received as newlyweds was to never use sex as a weapon. What we’ve come to realize, however, is that sometimes it should be… just not how you might think. Listen in as we discuss Paul’s words on the topic.   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes