How They Rebuilt Trust After Betrayal

We promise you’ll leave encouraged and inspired after hearing the miraculous way the Lord worked through this couple’s marriage and spoiler alert… their divorce. Tune in to hear an incredible redemption story from our friends, the Teagues.

Crushing Comparison (Stop Comparing to Others!)

There’s a reason “do not covet” made it as the tenth commandment. Coveting ultimately leads to death and it’s no different when it comes to your own marriage. We hope this episode blesses you. Watch, or Listen Below!

What if We’re Unequally Yoked?

Are you married to someone who is unequally yoked to you? Or are you considering marriage with someone who might not be a good match in this regard? This episode is for you! It’s also a must-watch if you offer guidance to others facing these challenges. We hope this discussion blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below!

What if I want kids but my spouse doesn’t?

As a Christian, what is your role when it comes to childbearing? Listen in as Ryan and Selena address a listener’s question about this very topic. We hope it blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

What if Satan Took Up Marriage Counseling?

It sounds like a crazy question, but pause to think about it for a second. What kind of things would he say to you? Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

The Need to Review and Reset for Marital Growth

As this year comes to a close, we want to walk you through an exercise that will help you reflect on the past year and pinpoint areas of your marriage that you would like to improve upon as you head into the next. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

10 Reasons Marriages Struggle and Fail – Part 1

We’ve been working with couples in the marriage sphere for over ten years now, and there always seem to be consistent themes that arise from marriages that perpetually struggle and never quite reach their stride. Join us as we discuss those reasons today! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes