What if We’re Unequally Yoked?

Are you married to someone who is unequally yoked to you? Or are you considering marriage with someone who might not be a good match in this regard? This episode is for you! It’s also a must-watch if you offer guidance to others facing these challenges. We hope this discussion blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below!

Ways to Warm Up a Cold Marriage

Everyone wants a vibrant, thriving marriage, but what happens when day-to-day life causes you to feel distant from your spouse? Spoiler alert: a vacation is not the lasting solution. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

What if I want kids but my spouse doesn’t?

As a Christian, what is your role when it comes to childbearing? Listen in as Ryan and Selena address a listener’s question about this very topic. We hope it blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Perseverance, NOT Perfection is the Goal

Trying to make your marriage perfect will eventually feel like a lost hope, but trusting in the Lord will bring life and longevity to a struggling marriage. Join us and be encouraged! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Micro-Decisions that Make a Huge Difference in Marriage

The daily decisions you make with your spouse can either bring you closer together or drive you further apart. Join us to hear more about these positive micro-decisions you can make to strengthen your marriage! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Communication Signals vs. Noise In Marriage

Check out this session from our latest communication masterclass which will be released shortly! We hope to share the purpose behind your communication with your spouse and pray it blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes