5 Argument De-Escalation Strategies

We all know it… that moment when you feel a conversation take a turn for the worst. Things begin to escalate and a fight seems inevitable. In this episode, Ryan and Selena talk through five ways you can keep the “turn for the worst” from happening. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

How Do We Handle Anger In Marriage?

Anger, in all its forms (which we discussed) will prove toxic if never dealt with. So, let’s talk about it! Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

How to Pray as a Couple (with Less Awkwardness)

We asked couples what keeps them from praying together, and the #1 answer was: it’s awkward. So, we did a whole episode on how to pray with your spouse (in a way that’s not too awkward). Enjoy! Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Skill #3: Fighting Well (Back to Basics, 3 of 4)

If a couple can’t fight productively, things will be very difficult for them. In today’s episode we discuss practical ways to build the essential skill of arguing well as a couple. We hope it helps and blesses you, enjoy! Our marriage learning project ~~Gospel Centered Marriage~~ is open for enrollment! It’s a great way to build a solid marriage foundation get on the same page…

Married with Kids? Two Dynamics to Watch Out For

What do you do in marriage when the rival for your spouse’s love and affection is one of your own children? In fact, one of the biggest tests of a marriage occurs when kids start arriving. Raising kids can draw a couple together like nothing else or it can rip the two of you apart with fury. Here are two dynamics to watch out for. …

Boundaries and In-Laws

This is a struggle every couple understands. How do we maintain healthy boundaries with relatives, especially when those relatives (though well-meaning oftentimes) are difficult to be around? How do we graciously communicate when boundaries have been breached? And what do we do to “hold the line” when they refuse to respect healthy boundaries? In this episode we dove deep into what the Bible has to…

Boundaries and Sex

Boundaries are an inherent part of every married couple’s sex life. The question is, are your sexual boundaries clear? Are they communicated? And are they actively enforced? In today’s episode we’ll walk through two critical passages of Scripture that teach us about boundaries and discuss examples of how they can be applied in marital life. Enjoy!   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

The Importance of Encouraging Words

I remember the way it made me feel to hear her speak the nicest things in the world to me. She went on and on about how talented I was, how nice I was, and how meaningful I had been in her life as a songwriter and pastor. The words felt good. Real good. They were incredibly gracious and over-the-top nice. But there was a…

Identifying *and* Explaining How You Actually Feel

Talking is a skill, and not everyone has it. In fact, most don’t! This is usually a result of being obscured—or unseeable—to ourselves. A skilled communicator knows how to identify and explain how they feel, and that usually starts with knowing how to examine your own heart and mind. In this episode we talked through the biblical foundation for knowing yourself for the purpose of…

6 Tips for Spouses on Opposite Ends of the Communication Spectrum

I’m a talker—  I process verbally, I enjoy public speaking, I was on the speech & debate team in high school. My husband— Andrew— is a man of fewer words. He takes more time to process information. I’m actually struggling to complete this description right now, so I asked him for input. His response? “I think that’s it.” Yup, that about sums up our different…