Tough Talks: See-Through Marriage (Part 2/4)

This is part 2 of a 4 part series that covers ways to cultivate a transparent marriage. Each episode in this series is based on a topic covered in our latest book, See-Through Marriage ( Make sure to pre-order to get the free discussion guide and audiobook!

Signs and Seeds of Contempt

Contempt is one of the sure signs that a relationship is in big trouble. In this episode we look at how contempt begins in a marriage and discuss how the gospel disarms even the most contempt-filled relationships.

10 Ways to De-Escalate BIG Arguments

It’s tough to think straight when you and your spouse are in a heated argument. That’s why it’s helpful to have tangible tools already in-hand before the fight begins. Today we talked through James 1 and covered 10 intensely tangible ways to de-escalate big arguments in your marriage. Enjoy!

Making BIG Decisions As One

How are we called to make BIG decisions as a couple? In this episode, learn 7 steps of decision making and gain practical tools for working through decisions of your own. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Chores, Adulting, and the Division of Labor

Division of labor… it has to be done. We must learn to share adulthood responsibilities as a couple. But how can you do it in a way that doesn’t cause arguments daily? Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Truth, Love, or Both?

Speaking truth is important, but speaking truth in love is a command. The trouble is, in marriage we tend to speak the toughest truths the most blunt ways possible. Today we look at three important reminders for why we must master the art of speaking the truth in love, especially in marriage. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

How Do I Pray With My Spouse? (Part 2)

This topic is the result of many readers asking us the question “How do I pray with my spouse?” In the last post, I covered the “why and when” of praying with your spouse. Now I hope to get a bit more practical and discuss the “how”. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read the previous post so you can have the full…

How Do I Pray with My Spouse? (Part 1)

Nothing changes our hearts like praying with the living God! In this episode we talk about the why, when, and how of prayer, particularly for married couples and spouses praying for one another. Readers often ask the question “How do I pray with my spouse?” Here is a quick look at what prayer is (why we pray), when to pray, and how to start. As…

Fight Me!

There is an art to arguing well. The first, and most important key to fighting well is to never give up—never quit the fight, run away, or disengage. “Push through the ambush.” In this episode, Ryan and Selena look at what the Bible says about conflict, then they discuss 5 practical tips for fighting well.

Faked Transparency vs. True Vulnerability

It’s so easy to feign transparency in marriage. We can give just enough info to give the appearance of vulnerability, all the while failing to be meaningfully vulnerable with one another. In this episode, we talked about the roots of why we “fake it” in marriage, and how the Gospel compels us to fight instead for true vulnerability. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes