Secret Weapon #2: Laughter!

Laughter truly is medicine and it is one of the best ways to build friendship within your marriage. Today we’re talking about ways to incorporate more laughter into your marriage and of course, laughing along the way. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Hands Off My Husband!

This week we answered a question from a listener that stated that her husband has a female coworker who is having a hard time respecting physical boundaries. What is the godly way this situation should be handled? Join us for this tricky discussion. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

5 Steps to a Better Relationship with Your In-Laws

We’ve officially entered the holiday season, which may mean you are spending extra time with your in-laws. In-laws can be a major part of marital strife, but they don’t have to be! Our desire is that you would find joy and grace for your in-laws and enjoy the time you spend together. Listen in to hear 5 steps to better your relationship with them! Watch,…

Arguing Over My Husband’s Job?

We recently received a question from a viewer stating that her husband no longer likes his job, but he doesn’t know what he wants to do if he quits. Today we’re going to discuss this argument in light of the gospel… we hope you join! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

How to Find (and Agree On) a Church

Today we discussed the right questions to ask before deciding on a church to call home. Join us as we share our personal journey and set up a guide for those who are in a similar season of church hunting. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Help, I Have a Passive Husband!

One of our listeners wrote in and described living in a marriage with a passive husband. While it is impossible to change the husband’s heart, there is something we can address: How do I live in a godly way within a contentious marriage? Watch, or Listen Below! Listen Here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

I Caught My Wife Texting Another Man

Today we’re addressing a question sent in from a viewer, “I caught my wife texting another man, what do I do?”. It’s a heartbreaking thing to consider, but there is hope in the heartbreak. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Are Prenuptial Agreements Biblical?

Whether you’re a newly engaged couple considering prenups, or perhaps you are married and currently have a prenuptial agreement, join us today as we unpack what the Bible has to say about it. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Unity After Having a Baby

“One of your most important tasks as new parents–or becoming parents for the second, third, or fourth time–is to resolve that, eighteen years from now, you will love each other more deeply, be more emotionally connected, and more spiritually supportive in your marriage. That won’t happen by accident! Something as wonderful as welcoming a new life into this world can be a huge benefit to…

Our Secret Weapon for Communication

Our secret weapon for communication is a practice as old as time, but one that is seldom used often enough. Tune in as we discuss ways to have healthy lines of communication that build up your marriage for the glory of God and for your joy. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes