Maintaining Trust After Rebuilding It

Over the past few weeks we’ve discussed what biblical trust looks like, what to do in the wake of broken trust, and how to get started on the path toward healing. Today we covered how to maintain trust in your marriage through four tangible steps: observe, inspect, assess, and maintain/repair. You’ll have to listen for the details, since those words may not mean what you…

The Path to Rebuilding Broken Trust

The path toward repairing and rebuilding trust is neither easy to find nor quick to travel. Your heart hurts and your relationship seems like it will never be the same again. Could it be that God wants to use this difficult time to show you more of his mercy, goodness, and grace? Could it be, that this could make your marriage better than ever before?…

Lowering the Walls Around Our Mess and Inviting Others In

Healthy boundaries in marriage can look like a lot of different things— establishing regular date night rhythms, using accountability software, saying “no” to extended family, etc.  But sometimes in marriage, the best thing we can do is lower the walls around our mess and invite others in.  Christian community is a means of grace to you Five years ago— in the weeks and months after…

When Your Trust is Broken

Experiencing broken trust can leave you disoriented, in denial, or in a panic. The first key to stepping down the path toward healing is to get your bearings, look at God’s Word, and take tangible steps of faith toward rebuke (not easy), repentance (must have), and reconciliation (worth it). In this week’s episode we looked closely at God’s model for reconciliation and shared candidly about…

3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Divorced My Wife

This isn’t an article by someone who doesn’t understand. I went through with it. I divorced my wife. I filed the papers and walked away from my marriage. Do you know someone who is thinking about it and feel desperate to understand? Maybe that person is you? I don’t mean the thought flew by once in a moment of weakness or anger. That’s definitely a…

Trust, Trustworthiness, and Betrayal

Trust and betrayal are among the most important topics couples will face. Can you trust one another to… listen well, be supportive, handle your heart and vulnerability with care, remain faithful, love your children well, and help around the house (to name a few)? In this episode we start our series on trust, exploring what “Cruciform trust” looks like and why some versions of trust…

Boundaries Q&A

We asked our listeners to submit questions about boundaries and the response was overwhelming. In this special release episode, we addressed many of those questions which centered around a few common themes: in-laws, opposite sex friendships, phones, and life as a married couple. We hope you find it helpful!   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Following God Wherever He Leads

Hi there! I’m Zena, the editor at Fierce Marriage and Fierce Parenting. I read this excerpt from Gospelbound by Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra and was so encouraged by it— this line in particular got me: “[My wife’s illness] is not some big distraction. This is not some huge detour. This is the path God has for us, and it leads somewhere good.” I…

Boundaries and In-Laws

This is a struggle every couple understands. How do we maintain healthy boundaries with relatives, especially when those relatives (though well-meaning oftentimes) are difficult to be around? How do we graciously communicate when boundaries have been breached? And what do we do to “hold the line” when they refuse to respect healthy boundaries? In this episode we dove deep into what the Bible has to…

Do You Know that You are Loved?

Throughout my life, all of my biggest struggles have grown from the same root. Whether it was years of being addicted to pornography or years of feeling extreme loneliness and insecurity, it all came from the same place— not truly believing God could love me. And until that root issue was addressed, there was no way for me to love Jamie, much less anyone else.…