Lately, we’ve been in a very busy and full season of life. God is good and he’s helping us learn a new language despite it all… the language of gratitude. Join us and be encouraged if you find yourself in a similar season of life! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
A Love That Will Never Leave You
I thought I was so brave when I said “I do” twenty-five years ago. Getting married, venturing out, and moving away…I thought myself so courageous! But now, twenty-five years later, I’ve learned a few things about what it really means to be brave. Turns out, it’s not about taking risks or throwing caution to the wind. It’s not about recklessly falling in or taking a…
Perseverance, NOT Perfection is the Goal
Trying to make your marriage perfect will eventually feel like a lost hope, but trusting in the Lord will bring life and longevity to a struggling marriage. Join us and be encouraged! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Micro-Decisions that Make a Huge Difference in Marriage
The daily decisions you make with your spouse can either bring you closer together or drive you further apart. Join us to hear more about these positive micro-decisions you can make to strengthen your marriage! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Communication Signals vs. Noise In Marriage
Check out this session from our latest communication masterclass which will be released shortly! We hope to share the purpose behind your communication with your spouse and pray it blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
What if I Got Married Too Young (or I Don’t Want to Be Married Anymore?)
Have you ever had any thoughts of second-guessing your marriage? You’re not alone in this, but you must not stay in those thoughts. In this episode, we want to encourage you and remind you of what true covenantal love looks like. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
The Cosmic Cold War on Marriage (and 3 Ways You Can Fight Back)
Over time, we have seen the beauty of marriage torn apart little by little by modern culture and it’s left us with a false and distorted view of God’s good and original design. Listen in to hear how you can fight back against this modern narrative! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Marriage is NOT Give and Take
Does the title of this episode rub you the wrong way? All the more reason to join us to see what we mean! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
The Five Facets of a Fierce Man
This week Ryan takes on the show, solo, to help encourage men in five key areas of their lives. Men, you don’t want to miss this and wives, be sure to pass this along to your husband! Or, feel free to listen in to learn more ways you can encourage your husbands in their walk of faith. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read…
UNITY: Why You Need it and How to Get It
So much is at stake when a couple struggles with disunity. We want to help! Our hope is that you would call on God to realign your hearts and establish unity within your marriage. Listen in to hear the full discussion! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes