Peace is more than the absence of conflict—so much more. The Bible’s definition of peace is all-encompassing, and has very little to do with outside circumstances. In this episode, Ryan & Selena talk through peace as a fruit of the Spirit, made available to us through the Prince of Peace himself, Jesus! We hope it blesses you. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Quick Q&A 3: What’s your best advice for newlyweds?
In this episode we share four things we’d discuss with you if we could spend a meal together! Note, the ideas enclosed don’t just apply to newlyweds…. :)
Finding ‘Fierce’ Friends That Fight for Your Marriage
There are certain aspects of friendships that qualify them as distinctly “Christian community”, specifically purposed for our sanctification and discipleship as followers of Christ. What do we mean? You’ll have to listen! You can expect to learn about 5 distinguishing qualities of Christian community: Gospel centrality, true transparency, deep discipleship, consistency, and commitment.
Quick Q&A 2: Will We Still Be Married in Heaven?
Ryan and Selena tackle a common but somewhat murky question for believers: if we’re married on earth, will we also be married in heaven? Listen in as we take a look at what the Bible says about just that. Enjoy! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Faked Transparency vs. True Vulnerability
It’s so easy to feign transparency in marriage. We can give just enough info to give the appearance of vulnerability, all the while failing to be meaningfully vulnerable with one another. In this episode, we talked about the roots of why we “fake it” in marriage, and how the Gospel compels us to fight instead for true vulnerability. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Communicating With Clarity When Things Aren’t So Clear
Communication continues to be one of the most hotly requested topics from our listeners. So, today we talked about themes that tend to undermine healthy communication: 1) Oversimplification, 2) Failure to Empathize, and 3) Bad Timing and Tone. Listen and learn new ways to approach conversations and conflict with clarity fueled by biblical love. We hope you enjoy! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
Quick Q&A 1: ‘If we both enjoy watching pornography together, is it still a sin?’
Some couples ask this question in earnest, so we spent some time looking at the Bible’s perspective on porn, lust, and the marriage bed. This is the first of we hope will be many one-off Quick Q&A sessions (name pending). We hope it blesses you!
Your Marriage is Bigger Than You
God created marriage to be BIGGER than you! It’s bigger than today, it’s bigger than our cultural context, and it’s bigger than our struggles. Why and how is it bigger? In today’s episode, we talked about seeing marriage in its proper context as part of God’s plan for redemption throughout history, but also redemption in our daily lives. We hope it blesses you! Read the…
What (little ‘g’) gods Are You Worshipping in Your Marriage?
It’s all too easy to pay lip service to Jesus in life and marriage, but live as if he’s not King. In this episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast, we recapped lessons we’ve learned from the past few weeks since the arrival of our 3rd daughter. God graciously allowed us to realize areas of our lives that we can tend to enthrone in a place…
The Proverbs 31 Woman Is Not Who I Thought She Was
Whenever I read Proverbs 31:10-31 it can be pretty demoralizing. I feel the weight of striving to be the “godly wife” described in it and honestly, it sounds impossible. Looking at the craziness of this season of our lives with lovely little babes, I’m not always sure how to connect the dots between my day to day messiness and the Godly wife described here. Take…