The 3 Non-Negotiables in Marriage

Everyone builds their marriage on something. What is your marriage founded upon? More importantly, is the foundation of your marriage secure? In this episode, we explore what we consider the 3 non-negotiables for marriage and take a look at how when they’re in place, everything about your marriage will change. I hope it blesses you!

Hope for Those Living in a One-Sided Marriage

One of the biggest sources of strife in marriage is being unequally yoked. In this week’s podcast episode, we sought to answer one of the hardest questions we face: What is the husband or wife to do if their spouse isn’t trying or won’t re-engage with the relationship? There’s no easy answer, and everyone’s situation is different. And, if I’m honest, I struggle to answer…

The 5 Love Languages (Podcast)

In this episode we discussed Gary Chapman’s amazing book, The 5 Love Languages. In their discussion they explore whether or not they are biblical, and how they can help/hinder your marriage in the different seasons you’re in (pre-kids, having little kids, no kids, retired, etc.). After recently taking the quiz online (go to to take the quiz yourself), both were surprised by their results…

The “Spectrum of Sex” and Why You Need It

Regular and consistent sex is extremely important for a healthy marriage. But life gets busy, disconnection happens, and sometimes sex is burdensome. All of these things can lead to a lack of intimacy and a decrease in sexual satisfaction. If unchecked, it can create deeper issues like pornography addiction and bitterness. So how do we keep sex consistent and meaningful? Selena and I have discovered…

Are You Over-Focusing On Your Marriage?

In this episode, Ryan and Selena discuss how our earthly marriage is simply a shadow to our eternal marriage with Christ, and the implications of living too focused on the happiness level of our marriage rather than the One we were created for can have … As marriage ministers, it’s important for us to continually point people to Christ and commission marriages for the gospel…

Can I Have Close Friends of the Opposite Sex?

There is a lot of godly information and instruction around this area of friendship with the opposite sex and whether or not it is something that can happen or should happen. In this episode, Ryan and Selena will discuss this controversial topic while sharing their own experiences and biblical understanding of how we “can have the wisdom to know and enjoy the blessing of friendship…

Cohabitation: is it Good or Bad, and Why?

The popularity of marriage appears to be trending downward while cohabitation trends upward. Culture seems to favor cohabitation, but the facts say that’s a bad thing. As Christians, it’s important to understand why cohabitation is bad from both a biblical perspective as well as sociologically, for ourselves but also as lights and salt in our communities. In this episode, we’ll dive deep into the reasons…

How is Your Phone Hurting Your Marriage (Part 2)

You’re probably using your smartphone to listen to this. Your phone is a great tool! But it can also create problems in life and marriage. (Side note: This episode marks 1 FULL YEAR of the Fierce Marriage Podcast! Thanks for listening!) Anyways… A few diagnostic questions you may want to ask yourself: Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Do you spend…

Living with Unshakeable Peace

Well, it was one of those nights…hard to sleep, too much on my mind and slightly anxious about the busy weeks ahead. My stomach turned, seemingly without end. Eventually, I started praying and after a while, I drifted off to sleep. It was a night of crazy, adventurous, and to be honest, stressful dreams (about mountain lions, Ivan the gorilla, and hiking). I woke up…

3 Boundaries You Absolutely Need In Your Marriage

Healthy boundaries will protect you from overextending yourself in life. They will also protect the health of your marriage when they’re clearly defined. Every season of frustration in our own marriage (“season” = many months) can usually be traced back to some issue with boundaries. Usually I’m overworking, or we’re making poor decisions in areas where we haven’t clearly defined our “walls”. Boundaries are important, so…