What if We’re Unequally Yoked?

Are you married to someone who is unequally yoked to you? Or are you considering marriage with someone who might not be a good match in this regard? This episode is for you! It’s also a must-watch if you offer guidance to others facing these challenges. We hope this discussion blesses you! Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

What’s the Right Age to Get Married? Should I Marry Young?

Throughout the past few decades, we’ve seen couples getting married later and later. Why do you think that is? Join us as we unpack this idea and find out if there is a magic age you should get married. Watch, or Listen Below! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Are Prenuptial Agreements Biblical?

Whether you’re a newly engaged couple considering prenups, or perhaps you are married and currently have a prenuptial agreement, join us today as we unpack what the Bible has to say about it. Watch, or Listen Below! Listen here Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Longing for Love That Lasts: 3 Core Principles of Godly Dating

Relationships are complicated, aren’t they? As a single girl navigating the murky waters of dating, I’ve found myself crying on my bed more than once over the years, asking, “Why is this so hard?” From a breakup that shattered my heart, to getting ghosted by a guy I admired, to the daily decision of seeking God for contentment and joy in the midst of singleness—…

5 Important Considerations When Dating To Marry

Dating is a funny thing. It’s not overtly discussed in scripture, and those living somewhere between single and married often ask us for advice. So, I figured it was time to write a post specifically for those who are in serious dating relationships, or want to learn principles for dating when they meet that special someone.

Burn the Ships!

Marriage is designed to be a covenantal relationship that far exceeds any other relational construct. It’s immensely important and incredibly beautiful as God designed it. In this episode we talked about the bigness and depth of what it means to live in a covenantal marriage.

Becoming a “Family Team” (Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke)

Family is the first and most important institution created by God, yet we often live by default instead of by design. In today’s episode, we spoke with Jeff and Alyssa Bethke about their passion for Family Teams, what that term means, and how to celebrate the importance of being a family through rhythms of rest and celebration.