Join the Spring Marriage Cohort!

Early enrollment pricing extended! (we had a tech hiccup)We hope to meet you soon! 🎉 You’re Cordially Invited 🎉 Starting on March 7th, 2022 we’re hosting a 6-week marriage learning experience! It’s a time to reset, regroup, and re-unify around what truly matters most. We hope to see you soon! (This vid was for January, but the info is the same!)  The Spring Marriage…

Join the January Cohort!

🎉 You’re Cordially Invited 🎉 In January 2022 we’re hosting a 6-week marriage learning experience! It’s a time to reset, regroup, and re-unify around what truly matters most. See you soon!  Registration closes in What do you get? Normally, when couples join Gospel Centered Marriage, they go at their own pace. This time, we’re walking WITH you with strategic check-ins along the way. If…

Join the January Cohort!

🎉 You’re Cordially Invited 🎉 In January 2022 we’re hosting a 6-week marriage learning experience! It’s a time to reset, regroup, and re-unify around what truly matters most. See you soon!  Registration closes in What do you get? Normally, when couples join Gospel Centered Marriage, they go at their own pace. This time, we’re walking WITH you with strategic check-ins along the way. If…

Communication, Priorities, Unity

How Do I Pray With My Spouse? (Part 2)

This topic is the result of many readers asking us the question “How do I pray with my spouse?” In the last post, I covered the “why and when” of praying with your spouse. Now I hope to get a bit more practical and discuss the “how”. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read the previous post so you can have the full…

Commitment, Money & Finances, Podcast

Crushing Comparison

It seems natural to compare ourselves to others. As humans, we compare appearances, careers, marriages, and even spouses. Society encourages it. The chief problem of comparisons is that they’re usually based on romanticized half-truths. Most often when we compare, we base expectations of ourselves on standards that aren’t accurate – they’re perceived. Comparisons stifle progress; only truth in light of the gospel causes real growth.

Podcast, Priorities, Unity

3 Boundaries You Absolutely Need In Your Marriage

Healthy boundaries will protect you from overextending yourself in life. They will also protect the health of your marriage when they’re clearly defined. Every season of frustration in our own marriage (“season” = many months) can usually be traced back to some issue with boundaries. Usually I’m overworking, or we’re making poor decisions in areas where we haven’t clearly defined our “walls”. Boundaries are important, so…

Accountability, Commitment, Podcast, Priorities, Sex & Intimacy

6 Ways to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

Affairs take two common forms: emotional and sexual. In either case, by the time an actual affair materializes, there have been latent and unaddressed problems for a long time. “Affair proofing”, if we can call it that, includes proactively building systems and rhythms into your marriage that will make it much less likely that you’ll start down the subtle path toward an affair. Today, at…

Challenges, Communication, Podcast

Fight Naked! How Fighting Well Can Help Build a Stronger Marriage

Fighting naked—both literally and figuratively—has been pivotal in helping us fight well. Yes, you can “fight well” in your marriage. Conflict, disagreements, frustrations, tension—none of this is new to marriage. That’s what today’s episode (and blog post!) is all about. Put two people in a covenant together, living in the same house for life, and conflict is inevitable. First, we’ll explore and understand what the…