Pornography (Part 2: The Path to Purity)

This is the second part of a two-part series aimed at helping couples start conversations around pornography and a pathway to freedom from addiction. In today’s episode we shared our personal story of struggling with pornography and discussed ways to find freedom from addiction and healing throughout the process.

How to Study the Bible as a Couple

Approaching the Bible can be intimidating. We can easily feel overwhelmed or under-equipped. However, reading God’s Word is easily one of, if not THE, most important things you can do as a couple. With that said, take heart! God is faithful to make His word accessible to all who approach it willingly. In today’s episode, Ryan and Selena talked about how to overcome fears, what…

Clinging to Truth in a Post-Truth World

If we’re not careful, subtle cultural lies can begin to have huge consequences on big truths in marriage. In a culture ruled by relative truths, it’s more important now than ever to stand on God’s Word as true, inerrant, and authoritative in our lives. How do we sort out truth? How do we gain unity around complex and controversial questions? In today’s episode, Ryan and…

5 Tips (and Tools) for a Stronger Marriage

Every time of year is a good time to intentionally strengthen your marriage. Many couples Selena and I speak with do have goals, but they rarely include family/marriage related endeavors. Why not? It’s hard to say, but as believers, we’re called to be thoughtful, faithful stewards of EVERY aspect of our lives. So, for a few moments, I want to give you permission to think…

The Best Intimacy is Spiritual Intimacy

Everyone wants to be closer to their spouse. Closer in every way. It’s reflected in the many questions we get, like: How can we grow in our faith together? How can we build Christ-centered rhythms into our daily and weekly lives? In this week’s podcast, we tackled those questions by exploring the topic of Spiritual Intimacy. Among the things discussed are prayer, Scripture reading, spiritual…

Hope for Those Living in a One-Sided Marriage

One of the biggest sources of strife in marriage is being unequally yoked. In this week’s podcast episode, we sought to answer one of the hardest questions we face: What is the husband or wife to do if their spouse isn’t trying or won’t re-engage with the relationship? There’s no easy answer, and everyone’s situation is different. And, if I’m honest, I struggle to answer…

Can I Have Close Friends of the Opposite Sex?

There is a lot of godly information and instruction around this area of friendship with the opposite sex and whether or not it is something that can happen or should happen. In this episode, Ryan and Selena will discuss this controversial topic while sharing their own experiences and biblical understanding of how we “can have the wisdom to know and enjoy the blessing of friendship…

3 Boundaries You Absolutely Need In Your Marriage

Healthy boundaries will protect you from overextending yourself in life. They will also protect the health of your marriage when they’re clearly defined. Every season of frustration in our own marriage (“season” = many months) can usually be traced back to some issue with boundaries. Usually I’m overworking, or we’re making poor decisions in areas where we haven’t clearly defined our “walls”. Boundaries are important, so…

10 Big Questions: Sex, Compatibility, Kids, and More

Every once in a while we go through our inboxes, voicemails, and texts to gather common questions from readers and listeners. In our years of writing for and ministering to couples, we’ve found that certain themes exist in questions we receive. That’s why we dedicated a full podcast episode to exploring (and hopefully answering) those questions! Below is the list of questions we addressed in…

The Art of Appreciation

One of the quickest ways to defuse all manner of marital dysfunction is to show and feel appreciation toward one another. The thing about appreciation is that it’s a choice and a skill. I’d even say that just like many things, one can learn the art of appreciation! In this episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast, we discuss a few ways to exercise your “appreciation…