Skill #3: Fighting Well (Back to Basics, 3 of 4)

If a couple can’t fight productively, things will be very difficult for them. In today’s episode we discuss practical ways to build the essential skill of arguing well as a couple. We hope it helps and blesses you, enjoy! Our marriage learning project ~~Gospel Centered Marriage~~ is open for enrollment! It’s a great way to build a solid marriage foundation get on the same page…

How Do I Know if I Have a Pornography Problem?

There used to be a clearer line between the appropriate and inappropriate. But today, movies, TV shows, music, social media accounts, video games, billboards, magazines— many of them contain inappropriate, sexually-stimulating material. To be clear: Since the Fall in Genesis 3, every human culture has distorted God’s pure and holy intention for human sexuality. What’s perhaps unique to our culture is just how pervasive, accessible,…

Heads and Helpers, Part 2 (Identity, 4 of 5)

Today we continue the conversation about biblical roles for husbands (as heads) and wives (as helpers) in Christian marriage. Before you listen to this episode, make sure you’ve listened to last week’s Part 1 release. Then, make sure you listen to this whole episode before jumping to conclusions. We trust that as we talk through the implications of God’s word, it will edify and encourage…

Misplaced Identity & Adultery: How One Led to the Other

“What do you do for a living?”  “Where did you go to school?”  “Where are you from?”  “Are you married? Do you have kids?”  These are just a few of the questions that people typically ask each other when they meet.  Why? Because they are trying to get to know who you are in a quick snapshot. These are questions everyone expects to hear and…

Heads and Helpers, Part 1 (Identity, 3 of 5)

Few topics ruffle feathers like biblical roles, especially when you talk about ideas like headship and submission in marriage. In this episode we began a conversation (that continues into next week’s episode) where we unpacked the what the Bible says about roles in marriage. Next week, we’ll look at the implications for husbands and wives who are seeking to live in full light of what…

Standing Firm in Your Identity in Christ

Vacationing at the beach is medicine for my soul. I love nothing more than sitting by the ocean with a good book and listening to the tide roll in. This is my happy place, and my plan on a recent family trip was all about relaxation, but that wasn’t happening this particular morning. Our youngest son wanted to surf. Unfortunately, my husband was busy with…

Crushing Porn Use With God’s Joy Over You

What if Eve had just poked her head around the tree instead of staring at its fruit? What if Adam had reminded her of the fruit hanging from other trees just a few steps away? She could’ve spent her whole day rejoicing in all of the fruit God had given her to eat. Five minutes later she could’ve been so lost in God’s good pleasures…

Dealing with a Persistent Lack of Joy in Marriage (Joy, 3 of 4)

Every couple experiences seasons where things feel joyless. The question is, What do you do to rekindle the joy in your marriage when those times come? In this episode we looked at ways the Bible instructs us to stir our affections for God and why we can expect to experience joy when we do so within the context of marriage.   Read the Full Transcript Read…

The Difference Between Joy and Happiness

Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.  Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy.  Reading those definitions, it’s easy to see why people routinely confuse the two. But make no mistake: they are not the same.   The honeymoon is over! I learned this lesson the hard way when I got married. Just after the honeymoon ended, it seemed to me…

Hope and Lament in Seasons of Heartache

How do we delight in the face of suffering? When we walk through seasons of heartache— including seasons of difficulty in our marriages— how do we maintain a posture of delight? Here’s the bottom line: as Christians, our delight— even our faith—isn’t sustained by us. In my darkest hour, when suffering persists and pain swells, God is still good and faithful. Though my feelings waver…