God, Spouse, Kids— Priorities Matter

When things are in alignment, everything runs smoothly. But when one piece of the puzzle is missing— or one moving part of an engine is out of place— the whole system becomes compromised.  My husband and I hit rock bottom in our marriage before we recognized that our priorities were way out of alignment. Perhaps you feel this in your own marriage right now.  Maybe…

Priorities, Practically Speaking (Priorities, 4 of 4)

In this episode, things get practical. How do we step down the path of reorienting our priorities? How do we overcome the challenges and obstacles that stand between us and the priorities God is convicting us to live by? We’ll walk you through our story of writing our first Family Vision statement, and at the end, we’ll give you a link to get a free…

Married with Kids? Two Dynamics to Watch Out For

What do you do in marriage when the rival for your spouse’s love and affection is one of your own children? In fact, one of the biggest tests of a marriage occurs when kids start arriving. Raising kids can draw a couple together like nothing else or it can rip the two of you apart with fury. Here are two dynamics to watch out for. …

The Path to Rebuilding Broken Trust

The path toward repairing and rebuilding trust is neither easy to find nor quick to travel. Your heart hurts and your relationship seems like it will never be the same again. Could it be that God wants to use this difficult time to show you more of his mercy, goodness, and grace? Could it be, that this could make your marriage better than ever before?…

Lowering the Walls Around Our Mess and Inviting Others In

Healthy boundaries in marriage can look like a lot of different things— establishing regular date night rhythms, using accountability software, saying “no” to extended family, etc.  But sometimes in marriage, the best thing we can do is lower the walls around our mess and invite others in.  Christian community is a means of grace to you Five years ago— in the weeks and months after…

3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Divorced My Wife

This isn’t an article by someone who doesn’t understand. I went through with it. I divorced my wife. I filed the papers and walked away from my marriage. Do you know someone who is thinking about it and feel desperate to understand? Maybe that person is you? I don’t mean the thought flew by once in a moment of weakness or anger. That’s definitely a…

Following God Wherever He Leads

Hi there! I’m Zena, the editor at Fierce Marriage and Fierce Parenting. I read this excerpt from Gospelbound by Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra and was so encouraged by it— this line in particular got me: “[My wife’s illness] is not some big distraction. This is not some huge detour. This is the path God has for us, and it leads somewhere good.” I…

How Past Trauma Might be Affecting Your Marriage Today

The following is adapted from Marriage in the Middle, by Dorothy Littell Greco. Copyright (c) 2020. Published by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. www.ivpress.com Traumatic experiences affect every aspect of life and all of our relationships— perhaps most notably our marriage.  It’s not a question of if you or your spouse have experienced trauma. It’s more a question of to what degree and have the…

You Love Your Phone More Than You Love Me!

Do you ever feel like you’re competing for your spouse’s attention? And your competition is… their phone? This is such a tricky subject to broach— mostly, I think, because we’ve all become rather attached to these little screens. They entertain, soothe, delight, and engage us with little-to-no pushback.  People, on the other hand, generally require a bit more from us. I want to tell you…

Dealing with Selective Hearing

There are three types of selective hearing, all of which have the same result: poor communication. Today we talked through the common ways couples fall into selective hearing habits and cover tangible ways to break the habits in their relationship. We hope this episode helps you! Our new marriage learning project ~~Gospel Centered Marriage~~ is now open for enrollment! It’s a great way to build…