Choose Your Spouse Daily

This past weekend I had the privilege of taking my Young Life small group of girls (known as Campaigners) to a camp designed especially for Campaigners. It was quite the squeeze into my busy photography schedule, but I felt like it was something God wanted me to do.

Compassion Through Solitude

Compassion is essential to a Godly marriage. Easy to say, harder to live out. Marriage seems to be blissful for the first year or so. About 3 years into it, you may find yourselves bickering a little bit more and if you make it to the 5 year mark, it’s said to be smoother sailing (depends on who you ask I guess). For us, we…

Together While Apart

Ryan and I LOVE to travel and due to the nature of our jobs we’ve been able to jet-set quite a bit these last 2 years. Ideally every single trip would be together, but that isn’t always possible. So how can we remain connected and together while we’re apart? I feel like this is something most couples face in our day and age. Travelling for…

Fierce Respect, Part 1: Loving Your Husband

With Valentine’s Day around the corner love is definitely in the air. As I search for ways to show Ryan how much I love him, I’m brought back to God’s Word; the ultimate guide on how to fiercely love my husband.

Peaks and Valleys: Growth and Triumph

“Mountain top experiences”… we’ve all had them. That rush of adrenaline and satisfaction that accompanies our defining moments. In your marriage, peak moments may include your wedding day, the birth of a child, landing a new job, or purchasing your first home. All “peakers” will know that the peak is usually just the climax of an otherwise long and arduous process. It’s our ultimate place…

Miracles In Your Marriage

Yesterday at church we had the privilege of learning from a true scholar, compassionate minister, and friend to our senior pastor, Mr. Robby Booth. In his solid message about the Setting For A Transformational Miracle, one thing in particular got me thinking…

Messy Forgiveness

Awe, forgiveness…a word of the day for any marriage vocabulary list. Married couples will tell you about how easy it is to forgive each other when you’re dating/engaged. How could he or she ever do anything wrong? They are perfect. Fast forward a few years into marriage and

Until Death Do Us Part

I’m ashamed to admit it but I really enjoy weddings – it doesn’t feel very manly to say so. I enjoy them because they remind me of our wedding and the words Selena and I vowed to uphold (I’m a lousy dancer, so the receptions are awkward at best).

The Issue Is Never The Issue – Going To The Source

For the last week or so, Ryan and I haven’t exactly been on the same page about everything…not fun. Blame it on jet-lag tiredness or entering back into the SoCal culture, but we were irritatingly out of sync. What’s worse, we couldn’t figure it out, at first. We were civil and may have even appeared “fine” to the outside world, but every little thing he…

What Happens When the Happiness Fades?

After (almost) 10 years of marriage, and 4 years of dating before that, I’ve learned that making decisions about your marriage/relationship based on happiness is never a good idea. Are we supposed to make our spouses happy? Of course, God wants us to be intentional with our spouses; to cherish, love and honor them. However, happiness is NOT the ultimate objective…it can’t be.