Matters Of The Heart: Priorities and Purchasing

Glancing at any social media site today (ehm, Valentine’s Day) it’s littered with “I Love You” status updates and online gifts for you to purchase for your special someone. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely enjoy an excuse to get dressed up and go out to a nice dinner. Or get a special gift from Ryan (hope he’s reading this!)

The History of Valentine’s Day & 5 Creative Ways to Celebrate

This week, couples around the world will commemorate Valentine’s Day by giving flowers, jewelry, candy, and cards to their significant others. Around 1 Billion valentines will be mailed this year. Despite being such a popular holiday, few understand Valentine’s Day’s roots. Is it just a gimmick to drive consumerism or is there a deeper meaning behind February 14th?

Quality Time: 3 Habits for Unplugged Dating

Quality time with your spouse is one of the best investments of time and energy you can make. In our super-connected society, we have to fiercely protect that time against leeching distractions. If left unguarded, true quality time with your spouse may be eroded and contaminated.

3-D Adventures: Bonding on a Budget

In a previous post (TIME), I mentioned that one of Ryan and I’s favorite things to do is to take road trips together! We absolutely love DRIVING – we look forward to getting on the road and driving away for a few hours. Getting away and spending quality time with your spouse doesn’t have to be expensive or exotic.

10 Resolutions for a Strong Marriage (pt 2)

Thank God for new beginnings. There’s nothing quite like a clean slate to refresh and renew your energy. January 1 marks a time to celebrate (or mourn) the previous year and set your sights high for the year to come. New Year’s resolutions are typically aimed at burning off extra holiday “festivity” or cleaning up personal finances.While setting goals in fitness and finance can be…

10 Resolutions for a Strong Marriage (part 1)

I love new beginnings and New Year’s Day is no exception! It’s an opportunity to reflect back on the past year and plan for the new year without boundaries. For most, resolutions revolve around fitness goals or financial planning but they shouldn’t stop there. Couples should take this time of year to outline what you can do to allow your marriage to flourish!

Here are ten (five here, five in the next post) resolution suggestions that can make your marriage stronger this year.