Loving Your Spouse with Your Mind

So much of the marriage battlefield happens in your own mind. As believers, we’re called to be transformed by the RENEWING of our minds. How does work itself out in terms of how we think about our spouse in marriage? Listen in as we talk through the hope we have in God’s Word, our fleshly tendencies, how we have agency over our own minds, and…

10 Ways to De-Escalate BIG Arguments

It’s tough to think straight when you and your spouse are in a heated argument. That’s why it’s helpful to have tangible tools already in-hand before the fight begins. Today we talked through James 1 and covered 10 intensely tangible ways to de-escalate big arguments in your marriage. Enjoy!

Faith, Fear, and Marriage

We tend to be caught on our heels in marriage, reacting to each other instead of loving, seeing, and serving each other in ways that are faith-filled. In today’s conversation, we discussed three tangible enemies of faith and how they can be a factor in every marriage.

Embracing New Rhythms and Routines for Life at Home

Virtually everyone around the world is quarantined because of COVID-19. It’s a shocking, fast change, for sure! However, it’s also also an opportunity to press into new rhythms and routines that will bring us closer together as a couple, as a family, and as parents. In this episodes we’ll share some of our habits and rhythms we’ve found as people who have worked at home…

Making BIG Decisions As One

How are we called to make BIG decisions as a couple? In this episode, learn 7 steps of decision making and gain practical tools for working through decisions of your own. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

I Love You… I Just Don’t LIKE You Right Now

If you’d rather be at work than at home, then you may not LIKE your spouse… or, if you’d prefer to spend time with others over your spouse, then you may not LIKE each other as much as you realized. The examples go on! This problem is not uncommon among otherwise happily married couples. What’s uncommon, however, is when couples know how to get back…

How to Read Your Bible Together (and Why it’s so Important)

What else is there to say? There’s nothing like God’s Word… for life, for marriage, for anything. In this episode we talk about WHAT the Bible is, why it’s irreplaceable, and how to read more Scripture as a couple. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Chores, Adulting, and the Division of Labor

Division of labor… it has to be done. We must learn to share adulthood responsibilities as a couple. But how can you do it in a way that doesn’t cause arguments daily? Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Truth, Love, or Both?

Speaking truth is important, but speaking truth in love is a command. The trouble is, in marriage we tend to speak the toughest truths the most blunt ways possible. Today we look at three important reminders for why we must master the art of speaking the truth in love, especially in marriage. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

3 Sure Signs of a Healthy Couple

At the root of every healthy relationship lies humility. Why? The most toxic sin (and the opposite of humility) is pride. Pride puffs up. Pride is self-sovereign. Pride is self-seeking. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “For pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.” But there’s good news! Gospel-fueled humility is the antidote to pride. Read the…