5 Things To Say To Your Spouse Daily

Let’s get practical. In this episode we discussed five phrases you can say to each other every day that will ensure the “structural trends” in your marriage are for the better. While each of these phrases will sound common, as we discovered, each one represents a profound underlying belief you hold (or don’t hold) about God, yourselves, and your marriage. We hope this episode blesses…

Striving to Enter Rest

Striving to enter rest sounds counterintuitive. Funny enough, that language comes directly from Scripture (Hebrews 4). In today’s episode, we discussed the biblical idea of Sabbath and what it means for Christian homes today—and how you, as a married couple, can “strive to enter rest” the way the bible commands.   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

The One Habit You Absolutely Need

There is nothing in this life that will transform your heart (and marriage) like thoroughly reading and obeying God’s Word (the Bible). In today’s episode we discussed our recent journey into a new type of “bulk” scripture reading and shared ways it’s already transformed our hearts. Of course, we don’t have it all figured out, but we hope that by sharing our journey you might…

From Breakdown to Breakthrough (Counseling, 4 of 4)

There are times in every marriage where you reach a full stop in your communication. Things ice over and you can’t find a way forward. Before too long, your marriage drops to sub-zero temperatures and you’re fighting for your survival. In this week’s episode, we talked about the nature of communication (what it accomplishes and how) and discussed tangible ways to fight through arctic tundras…

Codependency (Counseling, 3 of 4)

Are you in a codependent relationship? How would you know if you were? In today’s episode, we asked questions to help couples identify signs of codependency in their marriage. We then looked at the forms and functions of codependent relationships before contrasting them with the healthier alternative: biblical interdependence. We learned a ton and we trust you will too! This four part series has been…

Counseling: Do all couples need it?

The idea of counseling conjures all manner of reaction. Some couples spurn it, others welcome it. Why? And, can all couples benefit from counseling? In this episode, Ryan and Selena talk about whether or not counseling aligns with God’s Word, and if so, how it might help couples, whether they’re going through a difficult time or not. We hope this episode blesses you! This four…

Worldviews and Marital Unity

Your deepest held beliefs, while they affect every aspect of life (including marriage), aren’t always biblical. This can make it incredibly hard to discuss sensitive topics or work through deep disagreements in marriage. As we’ve discussed often, your beliefs always inform your behaviors. In this week’s episode we talked about what a worldview is while contrasting biblical Christianity against 5 non-Christian worldviews. You may be…

Know Your Soil

In this episode we discussed gardening (of all things) and how “knowing our soil” in marriage is critical to loving each other in the fullest context of covenantal love. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes