Remember the movie Jerry Maguire with Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger? The line that got the most attention and was probably repeated most often was, “You complete me.” It’s hard for me to even type that line without rolling my eyes. While that might be a sweet line for a sappy country song, it reflects a deeply flawed approach to relationships. No human being “completes” us—…
Who Are We as “Us”? (Identity, 2 of 5)
You may have heard the biblical idea that “two became one flesh” when they get married. But what does that mean functionally? In this episode we talked through the implications of that statement when it comes to aspects of our individual identities as they are retained (or discarded) in a one-flesh marriage. Thanks for listening, we trust you’ll learn something and we pray it blesses…
5 Habits to Consistently Feel Joy Together (Joy, 4 of 4)
In past episodes we’ve looked at why joy is rightfully attached to our emotions. But, we don’t have to wait until we feel joy to stir it up in ourselves! In this week’s episode we talked about 5 very tangible things couples can do to have consistent joy together. We hope it blesses you! Read the Full Transcript
Priorities and Unity Q&A
Today is all about your questions! Listen in as we seek to address your questions about priorities and unity from a biblical perspective. We hope it blesses and helps you. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes
The Freedom in Finding Unity (Priorities, 3 of 4)
Finding unity is the first step in functionally living out your priorities. Every couple wants unity, but few manage to get there. Why is that? We’d say it’s because they’ve never taken the time (or had the opportunity) to discuss and seek deep agreement on their priorities. In this episode, we’ll discuss the benefits of unity and some of the challenges necessary to get there. We…
Maintaining Trust After Rebuilding It
Over the past few weeks we’ve discussed what biblical trust looks like, what to do in the wake of broken trust, and how to get started on the path toward healing. Today we covered how to maintain trust in your marriage through four tangible steps: observe, inspect, assess, and maintain/repair. You’ll have to listen for the details, since those words may not mean what you…
The Path to Rebuilding Broken Trust
The path toward repairing and rebuilding trust is neither easy to find nor quick to travel. Your heart hurts and your relationship seems like it will never be the same again. Could it be that God wants to use this difficult time to show you more of his mercy, goodness, and grace? Could it be, that this could make your marriage better than ever before?…
When Your Trust is Broken
Experiencing broken trust can leave you disoriented, in denial, or in a panic. The first key to stepping down the path toward healing is to get your bearings, look at God’s Word, and take tangible steps of faith toward rebuke (not easy), repentance (must have), and reconciliation (worth it). In this week’s episode we looked closely at God’s model for reconciliation and shared candidly about…
Boundaries and Your Children
Children are awesome, but having kids at home (particularly young ones) can have some not-so-awesome effects on a marriage. Today is the second in our series on Boundaries, and we discuss how and what boundaries are necessary between you and your kids for the good of your union. It was a lively discussion and we hope it blesses you! Read the Full Transcript Read the…
The Art of Active Listening
Most people rarely experience being *deeply* listened to; you can give your spouse that gift! Last week we talked about Selective Hearing, which is all about catching every drop of what your spouse communicates. This episode puts that conversation on steroids: learning how to seek out and gain insight into each other and internalize it in healthier ways. If you ACTIVELY listen to this episode,…