The Importance of Encouraging Words

I remember the way it made me feel to hear her speak the nicest things in the world to me. She went on and on about how talented I was, how nice I was, and how meaningful I had been in her life as a songwriter and pastor. The words felt good. Real good. They were incredibly gracious and over-the-top nice. But there was a…

The Freedom of Commitment

This excerpt is taken from Dr. Sean McDowell’s book Chasing Love: Sex, Love, and Relationships in a Confused Culture. We hope it blesses you! Scripture teaches that God made human beings for relationships with Him and with other people. Adam walked with God in the Garden of Eden. He had perfect health, a perfect environment, and could work and play with the animals, and yet God…

The Wonder of Contentment

Like a virus, discontentment infects and sickens every healthy aspect life and marriage. It infects our affections, our views of each other, and our very trust in God. Author Nancy Wilson wrote, “Contentment is the result of spiritual strength that comes directly from Christ. Contentment is the ability to stay satisfied with God’s will in all circumstances, whether easy or difficult. Though it is simple…

Wonderfully Made

You and your spouse are both uniquely one-of-a-kind, wonderfully made, and immensely valuable. Could you say this about your spouse at the moment? Did you believe it when you first committed to doing life together? Do you still believe it now? Especially if you’re in the middle of a grinding-it-out season in your marriage? We were stuck going nowhere When it feels like you just…

Marriage is Warfare

What if we told you that marriage matters more than we realized? What if we told you that whenever you fight for your marriage, you’re engaging in cosmic warfare. In this episode, we looked at the magnitude of marriage and looked at three specific battlefronts where we wage the warfare of marriage. We hope this episode blesses and emboldens you!   Read the Full Transcript Read…

Take Heart, Hope is Yours

Though this episode is still about marriage, we never anticipated how timely its message of hope would be. In today’s episode we encourage listeners to remember that marriage is less about perfection and more about perspective and perseverance. You’re both learning, you’re both going to make mistakes, and you’re both works in progress. God hasn’t given up on either of you yet, so neither should…

3 Sure Signs of a Healthy Couple

At the root of every healthy relationship lies humility. Why? The most toxic sin (and the opposite of humility) is pride. Pride puffs up. Pride is self-sovereign. Pride is self-seeking. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “For pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.” But there’s good news! Gospel-fueled humility is the antidote to pride. Read the…

Oops, We’re Married!

Many couples get married without really realizing what they’ve gotten themselves into. When things get tough, they may start thinking they’ve made a mistake. In this episode, we talk about 4 modern misconceptions about marriage and 3 timeless truths to combat them. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Weathering Tough Seasons in Life & Marriage

Not every day/week/month is the same. Some ‘seasons’ are harder than others. How can we weather them well? In this episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast we discuss how to identify and weather difficult seasons well. We hope it blesses you! Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes