Recently I’ve been burdened with the word “hope”. Many of us face those tough and sometimes scary moments of feeling hopeless in our marriage. It begs the question, where does our hope come from? Can our hope be sustained in the midst of continual hurt and feelings of hopelessness?
Hope? Where?
While on one of my prayer walks/runs with Dela we were listening to some praise and worship music and the song All My Hope by Hillsong began playing. The lyrics put words to what I was feeling and affirmed this message of hope. Coincidentally, a close friend of mine also wrote about hope in a blog post which I read right as I sat down to write this one! (I love how God works! Check out Relentless Journey – A Commitment to Permanent).
It got me thinking about where my hope comes from.
Is my soul’s hope in me and my own efforts of positive thinking? Is my downcast soul (Psalm 42:5) weighing down others, specifically my spouse/Ryan, by putting my hope in them? What about my friends with failing marriages – how do I help give them hope in the midst of infidelity, addictions and/or deep wounds?
True, deep, lasting hope can only be found in our Savior–our Redeemer–the only one who can transform hearts: Jesus Christ.
We can’t find shelter and remain filled with hope anywhere else than in presence of God.
Personal Struggle
I’m realizing it’s unfair of me to place my hope in anyone other than Christ (especially Ryan) because they will a) let me down because of my unrealistic expectations, and b) cause frustration between both of us which will c) create strain on our marriage.
Why can’t I hope in others? Why can’t I place my hope in my husband? Because only God is God. Everyone else is human.
In marriage, we are finite human beings who will never complete each other. It is wrong of us to look to each other as our source of hope. That pressure can only be placed on the Almighty God, who is infinite and complete. (I am preaching to myself here, in case anyone thought I was getting a little riled up).
Helping others hope
When our hope is found in Jesus, we can genuinely offer the message of hope to those around us who are also facing trials in their own marriages. When I look to Christ for hope, it’s like I’m an 8 ounce glass asking to be filled by Christ who is a 50 gallon drum.
Hope in Christ is so powerful and so bountiful, it literally fills us up to the brim and spills out into people’s lives around us! This is how Christ uses us to spread his gospel… he is SO huge, SO good, and SO fulfilling that we’re just flat-out compelled to share. We’ve said it before: your marriage is your ministry.
I’ve learned that we can’t fix our marriages on our own. God knows we’ve tried. No amount of positive thinking, or positive speaking or believing will heal deep wounds or reconcile two imperfect human beings. Those types of habits and remedies have value, but they’re makeup on infected skin. We must go to the root of who we are in Christ to be made new inside and out.
It’s only when we find Jesus that our souls are filled with hope and our marriages will thrive and become a source of ministry instead of a burden.
Hoping for the New
When our foundation and hope are in Christ alone, all things are made new.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;”
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 (ESV)
Friends, let’s place our hope in the One and Only who loves us best and knows us most – Jesus.
If you are struggling in your marriage or know someone who is, I pray that as you read these lyrics you would place your hope in Jesus. Trust that He is faithful to transform both your heart and the heart of your spouse.
“All My Hope”
(Hillsong Live, Album: Cornerstone)
Light in my darkness
Peace for my soul
You are my rescue
You’ve never let goAll my hope is in You
All my strength is in You
With every breath
My soul will rest in YouHere in my weakness
Always the same
Your love is my shelter
Your life is my wayAll my hope is in You
All my strength is in You
With every breath
My soul will rest in YouConstant Savior
Friend forever
Lord You have my heart
Sure foundation
Never failing
Lord You have my heartAll my hope is in You
All my strength is in You
With every breath
My soul will rest in YouAll the earth beneath You
All my life before You
With every breath
My soul will rest in You
A few Bible verses about hope: (ESV)
Psalm 39:7; Romans 12:12; Galatians 5:5; Ephesians 3:20; Colossians 1:27; 1 Thessalonians 1:3; Hebrews 6:19 and one of my favorite chapters Psalm 91.
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Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?