Challenges, Love

God’s Word: A Light In Our Darkness

Reading God’s Word in our marriage, and letting it read you is an absolute must.

Not only does it remind us of His promises and the freedom and healing He brings but it keeps us spiritually engaged with our spouse (assuming they are reading God’s Word as well).

Discussing what Jesus is doing in your life with your spouse is important, and one of the fiercest ways you can fight for your marriage daily. And it’s more than reading a quick verse, contemplating it for 30 seconds, praying for 20 seconds and checking off your “devo time” with Jesus.

My hope is that this post offers a loving challenge in that we all need to be in God’s Word, constantly. Why? Because we are constantly falling short and need to be reminded of His amazing love especially in the midst of trials and burdens that always blast their way into our livess so uninvitedly.

Psalm 119:105 reminds us that His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Anyone dealing with a “dark” or frustrating area in your marriage?

Friends, we have a light!

Reading It and Missing It

Psalm 18:1-2 (ESV)

“I love you, O Lord, my strength. (2) The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

I read these verses at the beginning of a devotional I’m in (She Reads Truth) – ehm, let me rephrase that…I quickly skimmed these verses during my late-night, baby-is-finally-asleep time with Jesus and instantly felt convicted.Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances.

In church we stand when God’s Word is being read, and here I am, laying in bed, in the dark skimming through it so I could check-off “devos” on my mental to-do list for the day and feel better about myself. Ugh, still so frustrating to think about.

(Ok ok, getting back to the point.)

Fighting His Way: Slow Down

That day had been frustrating on a number of levels and when I’m frustrated, the last thing I want to do is read the Bible. I’d rather pout, or scroll through social media mindlessly trying to make myself feel better and distract my attention away from the issues at hand.

Isn’t that what our flesh would have us do?

In the midst of a battle, instead of going to the One who has already won the battle (John 16:33), we try to fight it on our own, using our own methods be what they may.

Thankfully, God knew what I needed in that moment (he always does) and my soul heard him clearly, Slow down and read these words again. 

Psalm 18:1-2 (ESV)
“I love you, O Lord, my strength. (2) The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

He Reaches Out To Me

In the midst of my funk the Lord reached out, in his loving mercy, and reminded me of who He is, right now, in my world.

Two verses quickly put my personal troubles into perspective.God is big enough to save you, powerful enough to change your spouse, and loving enough to restore your marriage.

He is my strength. When I am weak, He is strong.

He is my rock; I can stand strong and firm on Him and His Word and He will never fail me.

He is my fortress; protecting me even as the battles rage on around me, I can have peace in Jesus.

He is my deliverer; He has already delivered me from these trials and my eternity is secure.

He is my rock in whom I take refuge; where else can I go? There is no other place as secure as God.

He is my shield; in Him my soul is secure.

Horn of my salvation; He is the mountain top – a peak where I find refuge.

My stronghold; He is the One my soul can cling to, fully and without fear.

I almost missed this, but God in His grace opened my eyes to remind my heart of His truths.

Trust and Believe

When we trust God and trust the fullness of the work that Jesus did; the fullness of the gospel, we can rest in Him.

We can trust that He is not finished with us yet.We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Our pastor reminded me that in the trying moments, where we are pleading for God to rescue us; we have to remember and trust that the rescue He wants to bring is much deeper than that moment.

As you fight for your marriage, BE in God’s Word and lean into His grace. Believe in the power of the gospel and that God is not finished with you (or your spouse) yet. Trust – TRUST that He is a good God in the midst of your suffering and in the midst of your pain and that He is so much better than you think.

Slow down, breathe in and experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ; through His Word and through prayer. He is faithful to meet you right where you’re at.

Question: When things get rough in your marriage, what’s your default?


All images by Jeff Marsh.

Have you heard of the The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge?

Every marriage begins with passion, purpose, and pursuit, but few stay that way. That’s why we wrote Husband in Pursuit and Wife in Pursuit Together, they make what we’re calling the 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Couples are encouraged take the challenge together. We’re already starting to hear stories of transformed marriages! Are you up for the challenge?

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