The Truth About the Lies We Believe

The other day, Dela brought her little children’s Bible over for me to read to her. She loves looking at the colorful pictures. Her and I started reading about original sin in Genesis and about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. As I was reading it to her, and we came to the part where God was confronting Eve about her sin (eating the fruit from the…

5 Things Having a Daughter Has Taught Me About Loving My Wife

Having a daughter has taught me more about being a good husband than I ever thought possible. The idea is simple: what if I saw my wife through God’s eyes? How would I change how I treated her? Loved her? Cared for her? As you can imagine, seeing your spouse through God’s eyes changes everything. Everything. This post will hopefully show you just a few of the…

Ignored Convictions

Lately, God has been convicting me about my convictions (if that makes sense?). Primarily, what convictions I’ve been ignoring and why.

Her Story: God’s Redemption After My Abortion

The videos released about Planned Parenthood on social media are disturbing for reasons we are all aware of. Ryan and I have been praying (a lot) about how to respond to you; the readers, our FM community…on a marriage blog. We’ve questioned if should respond on social media or would we be adding to the noise? However, as Christians, Ryan and I can’t be silent, because in the…

Why the World Needs Your Marriage

I’ll just be honest, I’ve been having a rough couple of weeks; very rough. However, my hope is strong. I’m not 100% sure what this post will accomplish, but I’m compelled to share just in case you feel like me. Disclaimer: it’s mostly not a warm-fuzzy post. Also, it’s long.

His Presence in the Midst of a Lonely Marriage

In marriage we experience seasons of loneliness. Depending on the season of life you’re in, our definitions of loneliness look different but leave us feeling the same – alone, disengaged, frustrated and sometimes lost.

Our 30 Minute Massage Experiment: His Perspective

I didn’t want to do this experiment. No desire at all… but I’m actually very glad we did. Denis and Emma, the creators of Melt: Massage for Couples, had been trying to get a hold of me via email for over a year! (…sorry guys) After speaking with Denis, Selena and decided to give it a try. Selena shared her perspective in a previous post –…

3 Proverbs That Are Rocking Our Marriage (Part 2)

So… I’ve been plowing through the book of proverbs recently and as the title indicates, it’s been rocking our faces off. This post is the second of a two-part series, so you may want to start by reading the first post if you haven’t already (in fact, I highly recommend it). As I mentioned in the previous post, I’m seeing themes develop throughout the book…

3 Proverbs That Are Rocking Our Marriage (Part 1)

I’ve been reading the book of Proverbs a ton lately and I must say, I don’t read it enough. And I should probably read at least one chapter a day for the rest of my life. Note to self… As I’m plowing through the book, it’s most interesting to see two-part themes–those with contrasted and opposing ideas–develop that help distinguish between those on the good side of wisdom and…

The Importance of a Confident Wife

One of my latest struggles or insecurities has been in the area of confidence as a wife. Living in “mommy-toddler” world for majority of my day life can sometimes make it difficult to transition into wife mode when hubby gets home. (Not to blame the littles, God knows we love and adore them and are so thankful for their precious lives; please don’t get me wrong.) I’m…