The Art of Appreciation

One of the quickest ways to defuse all manner of marital dysfunction is to show and feel appreciation toward one another. The thing about appreciation is that it’s a choice and a skill. I’d even say that just like many things, one can learn the art of appreciation! In this episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast, we discuss a few ways to exercise your “appreciation…

5 Reasons Why Your Family of Origin Matters… a Lot

To put it plainly, “Family of Origin” refers to the environment in which you grew up. It’s not a new concept by any means, but it’s one Selena and I hadn’t explored at length. Until recently. I love thinking about family of origin in tree terms (hence the image for this post). How a tree grows doesn’t only depend on its species; it’s the net…

Recovering After a Bad Fight

Fighting is inevitable in marriage. The key is learning the arts of fighting well and recovering in healthy ways. God’s Word calls us to a lifestyle of reconciliation, which of course applies to marriage. In today’s episode, we’ll share a few of our worst fights and explore biblical ways forward that every couple can apply.

7 Reasons Why ‘Getting Away’ is Good for Your Marriage (and 10 tools we use for affordable travel)

Getting away with your spouse is a vital part of keeping things renewed and fresh. There’s just something special that happens when you leave your normal routines in favor of deepening your friendship with each other. This means taking time to intentionally disconnect from your everyday world and reconnect with your life partner. I strongly believe that getting away should be a regular (at least…

Stop Keeping Score

Keeping score is never healthy for a marriage, yet it’s often our default. Why? Because keeping score of wrongs, acts of service, faults, and personal victories can’t possibly come from a spirit of love. It most often comes from a place of insecurity and lack of faith in the gospel. In this episode, we’ll unpack how keeping score is damaging to a marriage, and share…

Loneliness within Marriage

It’s ironic, but many individuals and couples experience loneliness while married. God said, “it is not good for man to be alone”. Why? What else does the Bible say about being alone? In today’s episode, we discuss ways forward into healthy, gospel-driven community with your spouse and others that will bring greater joy to your marriage.

Naked and Unashamed

What does it mean to be truly intimate with another human? In Genesis 2 (before the Fall), it says that they were “naked and not ashamed”. So much of how we experience closeness with each other in marriage is determined by our sense of vulnerability and how we’re perceived when we’re truly exposed. Is it possible to be fully known by someone and still fully…

Fight Naked! How Fighting Well Can Help Build a Stronger Marriage

Fighting naked—both literally and figuratively—has been pivotal in helping us fight well. Yes, you can “fight well” in your marriage. Conflict, disagreements, frustrations, tension—none of this is new to marriage. That’s what today’s episode (and blog post!) is all about. Put two people in a covenant together, living in the same house for life, and conflict is inevitable. First, we’ll explore and understand what the…

Dealing with Anger in Marriage (the Healthy Way)

Listen in as Ryan and Selena discuss how to deal with anger in marriage (i.e. conflict, frustration, bitterness) in productive, biblical ways. Couple’s Challenge After listening, set aside some time to talk and write down anger triggers. Try to trace them back to their root causes and identify why they make you feel this way? Dive into scripture and discover what it says and how…

The Tools of Transparency

Why be transparent about something difficult when it’s so much easier to just hide it? Quick answer: freedom. Nothing compares to the freedom of total honesty in a marriage relationship. Being totally honest can be scary. What if your husband/wife doesn’t love you once they see who you really are? While the proposition of rejection is scary, as those rooted in Christ, we have hope…