Skill #1: Self Control (Back to Basics, 1 of 4)

Welcome to SEASON 5 of the podcast. We can’t believe it! This week we’re launching a new series that’s all about getting back to the basics. Over the next four episodes we’ll be talking through four skills, or basics, that are necessary for a marriage that thrives. We hope it blesses and helps you! Our marriage learning project ~~Gospel Centered Marriage~~ is open for enrollment!…

Returning to Basic Rhythms of Rest & Relationship

Our family played hard this summer. We said “Yes!” to all the pool and beach time we could and “Yes!” to all the popsicles. It felt so good to say yes, be out, and see our people. But every action has an equal and opposite reaction, right? So as we joyfully said “Yes!” to a lot of fun things, we were necessarily saying “No” to…

Big Announcement! (Identity, 5 of 5)

Listen in for a special announcement! It does tie into the series… don’t worry. :) Thanks for listening! If you’d like to support this ministry, please visit Our monthly patrons get plenty of perks, including early episode releases, free books & ebooks, silicone wedding rings, and exclusive ministry updates. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Heads and Helpers, Part 2 (Identity, 4 of 5)

Today we continue the conversation about biblical roles for husbands (as heads) and wives (as helpers) in Christian marriage. Before you listen to this episode, make sure you’ve listened to last week’s Part 1 release. Then, make sure you listen to this whole episode before jumping to conclusions. We trust that as we talk through the implications of God’s word, it will edify and encourage…

Misplaced Identity & Adultery: How One Led to the Other

“What do you do for a living?”  “Where did you go to school?”  “Where are you from?”  “Are you married? Do you have kids?”  These are just a few of the questions that people typically ask each other when they meet.  Why? Because they are trying to get to know who you are in a quick snapshot. These are questions everyone expects to hear and…

Heads and Helpers, Part 1 (Identity, 3 of 5)

Few topics ruffle feathers like biblical roles, especially when you talk about ideas like headship and submission in marriage. In this episode we began a conversation (that continues into next week’s episode) where we unpacked the what the Bible says about roles in marriage. Next week, we’ll look at the implications for husbands and wives who are seeking to live in full light of what…

Two Individuals— Complete in Christ— Making Each Other Better

Remember the movie Jerry Maguire with Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger? The line that got the most attention and was probably repeated most often was, “You complete me.”  It’s hard for me to even type that line without rolling my eyes.  While that might be a sweet line for a sappy country song, it reflects a deeply flawed approach to relationships. No human being “completes” us—…

Who Are We as “Us”? (Identity, 2 of 5)

You may have heard the biblical idea that “two became one flesh” when they get married. But what does that mean functionally? In this episode we talked through the implications of that statement when it comes to aspects of our individual identities as they are retained (or discarded) in a one-flesh marriage. Thanks for listening, we trust you’ll learn something and we pray it blesses…

Standing Firm in Your Identity in Christ

Vacationing at the beach is medicine for my soul. I love nothing more than sitting by the ocean with a good book and listening to the tide roll in. This is my happy place, and my plan on a recent family trip was all about relaxation, but that wasn’t happening this particular morning. Our youngest son wanted to surf. Unfortunately, my husband was busy with…

Marriage Reconstructed (Identity, 1 of 5)

Identity is everything these days. Ideas, politics, gender expressions, race, and sexual orientation, and countless other variables all have one thing in common in today’s culture: they can be your identity if you want… and no one can tell you otherwise. The holy grail of our culture is being able to actualize your most ideal self at any cost and through whatever means necessary. But…