There’s profound joy in the mutual and reckless pursuit of each other in marriage. Marriage requires a fierce tenacity that never gives up and never gives in. What does this reckless pursuit actually look like in marriage? What enables it within every complex issue and circumstance you will face? To start, look at Christ’s example. He pursues you without fail. It’s his steady pursuit that…
Prenuptial Agreements: Are They Good or Bad?
Prenuptial agreements are a fairly common practice nowadays. As people of faith, how should we view and approach them? What should we do if we have a prenuptial agreement already in place? We’ll discuss these questions and more in today’s episode! We hope you’ll join us and listen in!
Loneliness within Marriage
It’s ironic, but many individuals and couples experience loneliness while married. God said, “it is not good for man to be alone”. Why? What else does the Bible say about being alone? In today’s episode, we discuss ways forward into healthy, gospel-driven community with your spouse and others that will bring greater joy to your marriage.
Abstinence: What is it, and is it Really God’s Idea?
In today’s episode, we discuss the idea of abstinence: where it comes from, what it means, and how to be abstinent for your good and God’s glory. We hope you’ll join us and listen in!
Ask Us Anything Q&A: Submission without Becoming a Doormat, Building Quality Friendships, and More
In today’s episode, we answer listener questions. Some on the lighter side, some tough, all honest. We hope you’ll join us and listen in!!
6 Ways to Affair-Proof Your Marriage
Affairs take two common forms: emotional and sexual. In either case, by the time an actual affair materializes, there have been latent and unaddressed problems for a long time. “Affair proofing”, if we can call it that, includes proactively building systems and rhythms into your marriage that will make it much less likely that you’ll start down the subtle path toward an affair. Today, at…
Naked and Unashamed
What does it mean to be truly intimate with another human? In Genesis 2 (before the Fall), it says that they were “naked and not ashamed”. So much of how we experience closeness with each other in marriage is determined by our sense of vulnerability and how we’re perceived when we’re truly exposed. Is it possible to be fully known by someone and still fully…
Practical Tools for Building a Genuinely ‘Fierce’ Marriage
What does it mean to have a “fierce” marriage? And why should we want one? Basically, we believe that marriage is worth fighting for and you will have to fight for it. We’ve said it countless times: marriage takes a fierce tenacity that never gives up and never gives in. The thing is, you can’t do it alone. You need help (we all do). Thankfully…
Love vs. Lust
Is it possible to have lustful motivations in marriage? What makes an attitude or action loving or lustful? Hebrews 13:4 says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Could this apply to married people engaging in sex within their own marriage? In today’s podcast, we’ll explore just that…
Fight Naked! How Fighting Well Can Help Build a Stronger Marriage
Fighting naked—both literally and figuratively—has been pivotal in helping us fight well. Yes, you can “fight well” in your marriage. Conflict, disagreements, frustrations, tension—none of this is new to marriage. That’s what today’s episode (and blog post!) is all about. Put two people in a covenant together, living in the same house for life, and conflict is inevitable. First, we’ll explore and understand what the…