The 7 Reasons for Sex (Sex Talks, 1 of 4)

Sex talks! This episode begins our series that’s all about sex. Today we talked about the 7 (Biblical) Reasons for Sex in order to set the stage for more granular—and perhaps tougher—talks in coming weeks. We hope that as you listen, we’re able to put words to feelings you’ve felt and give you tools to begin building a healthier, more Christ-centered sex life in your…

Heads and Helpers, Part 2 (Identity, 4 of 5)

Today we continue the conversation about biblical roles for husbands (as heads) and wives (as helpers) in Christian marriage. Before you listen to this episode, make sure you’ve listened to last week’s Part 1 release. Then, make sure you listen to this whole episode before jumping to conclusions. We trust that as we talk through the implications of God’s word, it will edify and encourage…

Heads and Helpers, Part 1 (Identity, 3 of 5)

Few topics ruffle feathers like biblical roles, especially when you talk about ideas like headship and submission in marriage. In this episode we began a conversation (that continues into next week’s episode) where we unpacked the what the Bible says about roles in marriage. Next week, we’ll look at the implications for husbands and wives who are seeking to live in full light of what…

Two Individuals— Complete in Christ— Making Each Other Better

Remember the movie Jerry Maguire with Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger? The line that got the most attention and was probably repeated most often was, “You complete me.”  It’s hard for me to even type that line without rolling my eyes.  While that might be a sweet line for a sappy country song, it reflects a deeply flawed approach to relationships. No human being “completes” us—…

Who Are We as “Us”? (Identity, 2 of 5)

You may have heard the biblical idea that “two became one flesh” when they get married. But what does that mean functionally? In this episode we talked through the implications of that statement when it comes to aspects of our individual identities as they are retained (or discarded) in a one-flesh marriage. Thanks for listening, we trust you’ll learn something and we pray it blesses…

Marriage Reconstructed (Identity, 1 of 5)

Identity is everything these days. Ideas, politics, gender expressions, race, and sexual orientation, and countless other variables all have one thing in common in today’s culture: they can be your identity if you want… and no one can tell you otherwise. The holy grail of our culture is being able to actualize your most ideal self at any cost and through whatever means necessary. But…

Love Your Spouse for the Joy Set Before You

Loving and serving my spouse…. and loving and serving myself. What’s the relationship between the two? Are they opposites? They certainly seem to be! Is one part of the other? Which one? Two truths from Scripture Jesus is very clear in Luke 9:23—  If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. We also have…

The Roots of Marital Joy (Joy, 1 of 4)

Everyone wants a joy-filled marriage—one that’s happy and where you feel love for your spouse and you feel their love reciprocated. Life happens, joy fades, and where does that leave us? As Christians, we have the promise of joy as we walk in step with the Spirit. So, what should do in times when joy feels foreign and impossible to find? In this episode we’ll…

Longing for Love That Lasts: 3 Core Principles of Godly Dating

Relationships are complicated, aren’t they? As a single girl navigating the murky waters of dating, I’ve found myself crying on my bed more than once over the years, asking, “Why is this so hard?” From a breakup that shattered my heart, to getting ghosted by a guy I admired, to the daily decision of seeking God for contentment and joy in the midst of singleness—…

Last Things (Priorities, 2 of 4)

What if we lived in full light of God’s eternal promises in Christ? What if we read the book of Revelation as the hope-filled source of joy that it is? And what if we understood the full past, present, and future richness to be lived out as a result of Christ’s resurrection? Everything would change. Everything. In this episode we’ll explore all of that and…