When is the right time to have kids?

Should we be the final word on when to have kids? Or should every married couple have as many kids as possible because children are a blessing? Or… maybe these are the wrong questions to be asking in the first place? In this episode, we make an exciting announcement and, coincidentally, it has a ton to do with how we ask/answer the question “when is…

Worldviews and Marital Unity

Your deepest held beliefs, while they affect every aspect of life (including marriage), aren’t always biblical. This can make it incredibly hard to discuss sensitive topics or work through deep disagreements in marriage. As we’ve discussed often, your beliefs always inform your behaviors. In this week’s episode we talked about what a worldview is while contrasting biblical Christianity against 5 non-Christian worldviews. You may be…

Infertility and Childlessness (Sheridan Voysey)

Sheridan Voysey and his wife, Merryn were devastated when they realized their dream of having children would never become a reality. After infertility, an international move, and a professional change shook the Voysey’s world, Sheridan realised that he couldn’t reconcile his expectations with the life he was living. In today’s episode, Sheridan shares their story of heartbreak, despair, healing, purpose, and finally, joy. It was…

Decision Drivers in Marriage

Decisions, decisions! The average couple makes hundreds of small decisions and many significant ones on a daily basis. The question is, where do our choices come from? As we discussed in this episode, every decision is rooted in some core value, and our core values have to do with our views of wisdom and folly as well as our ability to act on our views.…

Serving is Pursuing

Serving is not likely to make it to the top of most people’s “things that are sexy about marriage” list. Still, serving one another is one of the most profound (if not THE most profound) ways to love each other in marriage. In today’s episode, we discussed three ways Jesus showed us to serve one another when he washed his disciples’ feet. We also shared…

Surviving Infidelity (Tina Konkin)

Infidelity causes catastrophic damage to a marriage. Can it be survived? In today’s special interview with author and speaker Tina Konkin, we discuss just that. Tina shares with great detail how God used her husband’s affair, despite the damaging effects, to transform her heart and her marriage for the better. Listen in, we hope it blesses you. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Sexual Intimacy (Sharon Jaynes)

Have you ever felt that the person you thought was your best friend and your spouse has turned into more of a roommate? If so, then this conversation will help you. Sharon Jaynes is the author of many books, but in this interview we’re discussing Lovestruck: Discovering God’s Design for Romance, Marriage, and Sexual Intimacy”. We hope this conversation helps you see your marriage from…

Expectations are Everything

Expectations are constantly at work in every marriage. The question is whether or not we’re aware of them and in agreement on what they should be. In this episode we posed dozens of questions for listener consideration about expectations in sex, money, communication, in-laws, hobbies, divisions of chores/labor, church, and more.   While this episode will be particularly helpful for our nearly- and newlywed listeners,…

A Truer, Better, More Exciting Normal (Matt and Lisa Jacobson)

The Jacobsons are a gift and a blessing. In this episode we talked about how God’s view for marriage and family is so much better than our own or the world’s. We specifically covered when to have kids (they had 8, and late!), the adventure of marriage God’s way, porn & purity, how to prioritize your marriage over kids, and so much more. This interview…

Are Your Hearts Hard or Soft?

Soft hearts are necessary for a healthy, thriving, happy marriage. But our tendency is not to remain soft toward each other. Bad days happen, tiredness, sin, crisis, arguments, and more can contribute to each of the three indicators of whether or not your hearts are soft toward one another. We also discussed four efforts you can employ today to help soften your hearts if you…