The Warfare of Prayer

Everyone knows marriage has incredible highs and very frustrating (and difficult) lows. In today’s episode, we shared how we’ve been in a prolonged “funk” lately but have found a path forward through prayer. Listen in as we discuss the miracle of prayer for believers and practical ways you can make praying a part of your ongoing battle strategy in your fight for a God-honoring, flourishing…

Striving to Enter Rest

Striving to enter rest sounds counterintuitive. Funny enough, that language comes directly from Scripture (Hebrews 4). In today’s episode, we discussed the biblical idea of Sabbath and what it means for Christian homes today—and how you, as a married couple, can “strive to enter rest” the way the bible commands.   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Marriage is Warfare

What if we told you that marriage matters more than we realized? What if we told you that whenever you fight for your marriage, you’re engaging in cosmic warfare. In this episode, we looked at the magnitude of marriage and looked at three specific battlefronts where we wage the warfare of marriage. We hope this episode blesses and emboldens you!   Read the Full Transcript Read…

How often should we be having sex?

If you’ve ever felt discontent with your sex life, you’re not alone. in this episode, we answered the oft-asked question, How often should we be having sex? As you’d imagine, we looked at various passages of Scripture and contrasted the biblical view with that of the world. We then ended with three very practical questions for you to ask yourself and your spouse about your…

The Secret (and Super Obvious) Ingredient

This week we recapped a few recent arguments we had to help illustrate how this one ingredient changes everything. While our fights had to do with dinners and sex, they each actually had nothing to do with either. You’ll have to listen to the episode to discover what that means! Spoiler alert: the ingredient is super obvious, but how it’s added makes all the difference.…

Narcissism and Marriage

Words like vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-regard, and egotism all have one thing in common: the self is viewed as the crux of importance. They also describe narcissistic personality disorder. Everyone is selfish to a degree, but narcissists are self-focused at an extreme level. In today’s episode we discussed narcissism as a personality disorder, explored ways narcissists hurt their spouse, and revealed why,…

Rebuilding Trust After a Betrayal

Being betrayed by the one you love is one of the worst feelings imaginable. How can a couple find reconciliation and healing after trust is shattered. It’s not easy and it requires both spouses to work hard, but there is hope. In today’s episode we discussed stories in betrayal in the Bible—namely how we’ve betrayed God in sin—and what they can show us about finding…

Manipulation in Marriage

As we discovered, there is a vast array of manipulation methods at play in human relationships. The question is, which ones are you unwittingly using against each other in your marriage? Rationalization, minimization, lying (by omission and commission), shaming, vilifying, seduction, and many other methods might be at work in ways you’re unaware. In this episode, we explored what the Bible says about manipulation (as…

Know Your Soil

In this episode we discussed gardening (of all things) and how “knowing our soil” in marriage is critical to loving each other in the fullest context of covenantal love. Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes

Laugh More!

Laughing is one of the best ways to break your marriage out of a funk. Could it be that laughter is a gift and a grace of God designed specifically to lift our hearts and clear the air in our relationships? In this week’s episode we answered three questions about laughter and talked through various examples in Scripture where laughter, playfulness, and childlike faith. We…