All About Boundaries

Boundaries are biblical. Boundaries are also intuitive: we all know we need them. Still, why do we feel that our boundaries in and around our marriage are constantly in flux or non-existent? In this episode we looked at three main reasons why we lack clear boundaries in marriage, and talked through some of the underlying principles that help us live with stronger boundaries in marriage.…

The Art of Active Listening

Most people rarely experience being *deeply* listened to; you can give your spouse that gift! Last week we talked about Selective Hearing, which is all about catching every drop of what your spouse communicates. This episode puts that conversation on steroids: learning how to seek out and gain insight into each other and internalize it in healthier ways. If you ACTIVELY listen to this episode,…

Dealing with Selective Hearing

There are three types of selective hearing, all of which have the same result: poor communication. Today we talked through the common ways couples fall into selective hearing habits and cover tangible ways to break the habits in their relationship. We hope this episode helps you! Our new marriage learning project ~~Gospel Centered Marriage~~ is now open for enrollment! It’s a great way to build…

How to Talk About Sex

Every healthy married couple should not only prioritize sex but also communicating on the topic of sex. None would likely disagree (at least, not in most modern contexts), because what can a couple lose by talking about their sex life together? This a peculiar topic because it’s one area where we’ll heartily agree with the culture’s message: it’s right, good, and healthy to talk about…

Be Romantic or… Repent??

What if someone told you that you needed to repent for a lack of romance in your marriage? You’d probably respond like us: bewildered, defensive, and with nervous laughter. In today’s podcast episode we’ll dig beneath the surface understanding of romance and talk about how how it’s connected—in more ways than one—to the states of our hearts. It was a fun, challenging talk but our…

All About Attachment Styles

Attachment styles are all about the way you interact the way you do, particularly around need, affection, and conflict. In this episode we talked through the four common attachment styles for relationships and, as usual, looked at Scripture to see how the gospel informs this area of marriage. We hope it blesses you! Our brand new marriage learning project, Gospel Centered Marriage is now LIVE.…

The Wonder of Contentment

Like a virus, discontentment infects and sickens every healthy aspect life and marriage. It infects our affections, our views of each other, and our very trust in God. Author Nancy Wilson wrote, “Contentment is the result of spiritual strength that comes directly from Christ. Contentment is the ability to stay satisfied with God’s will in all circumstances, whether easy or difficult. Though it is simple…

Coming from a Divorced Home

Divorce affects the majority of married couples today—some 75% of couples have one or both spouses who come from a divorced or blended family. This week we discussed a few of the unspoken but very common ways that divorce affects individuals and the marriages they occupy. Selena shared some of her personal experience and reflected on recent reading she’s done on the subject. ALSO… we…

Are Opposite-Sex Friendships Appropriate?

Many find themselves in one of two camps on this topic: “Avoid opposite-sex friends like the plague!” or “Don’t be a prude!” We think there’s a third way—one that’s biblical and wise. In this episode, Ryan and Selena discuss this controversial topic while sharing their own experiences and biblical understanding of how we “can have the wisdom to know and enjoy the blessing of friendship…

Sex as a Weapon?

One of the first pieces of advice we received as newlyweds was to never use sex as a weapon. What we’ve come to realize, however, is that sometimes it should be… just not how you might think. Listen in as we discuss Paul’s words on the topic.   Read the Full Transcript Read the Shownotes