Your Wife, Your Ultimate Standard of Beauty

This is an issue that will make or break your marriage. Men, we are constantly barraged with culture’s standard of womanly beauty. We’re told over and over again that a beautiful woman must be skinny, tall, wear certain clothes, act a certain way, and have a risqué appetite for sex. (The same is true for the opposite sex as well, but this post is written specifically with…

Living with Unshakeable Peace

Well, it was one of those nights…hard to sleep, too much on my mind and slightly anxious about the busy weeks ahead. My stomach turned, seemingly without end. Eventually, I started praying and after a while, I drifted off to sleep. It was a night of crazy, adventurous, and to be honest, stressful dreams (about mountain lions, Ivan the gorilla, and hiking). I woke up…

3 Reasons You [Probably] Avoid Church and Why to Go Anyway

If you’re reading this, there’s a great chance that you identify with being called a Christian. However, that’s about where the assumptions stop. You might be married, you might read your Bible, and you probably (statistically) don’t gather weekly with other believers in your area. Life is busy and church attendance tends to get placed on the chopping block. Given our culture’s adversity to ‘organized religion’ and…

Redeeming the Ideas of Headship and Submission

Some of the fiercest conversations we’ve ever had have started with questions about headship, submission, and roles. You probably agree that biblical manhood and womanhood are among the most common and culturally confusing topics within marriage today. Wives struggle with what it means to submit while husbands wrestle with what it means to express loving headship like Jesus. All of the pain, confusion, and frustration…

Leading With Genuine Love and Truth

This may strike you as a radical statement—perhaps even as one that overreaches: “A man cannot lead his family with genuine love and truth until he is lead by the love and truth of Christ.” However, let me explain. Note: the below can definitely apply to women as well! As a man, a husband, and a father, I’ve experienced a consistent connection between how well…

God’s Daughter First, My Wife Second

I’m feel like a blessed man, but not because of material things (though, I’m happy to say my family is warm, dry, and fed). I feel blessed because of the people God has entrusted into my care. Namely, God has graciously given me two beautiful baby girls. (They’re just about all I post on Instagram.) Every Easter, our church has baptisms (we also have them at other…

3 Steps for Creating Vision and Leading Well as a Husband

As a husband, Selena looks to me to lead our family. She desires decisive, meaningful direction in our marriage and in our lives (she’s told me this). Don’t get me wrong, she is definitely involved and vocal as we work together to craft our family vision. (Oh, how I married a strong, smart woman!) But as the husband, the buck ultimately stops with me. I’m…

My 3 New Goals for Pursuing My Wife

I’m not a natural romantic; but I think I can change that. I’m realizing that my ability to love my wife well greatly depends on my intentional, ongoing pursuit of who she is and what she’s feeling. That’s the essence of romance: intentional pursuit. I’m not just talking about covering the bed with rose petals and lighting a few candles. That might be part of it……

5 Ways Advent Can Transform Your Marriage

I can’t believe Christmas is almost here…again. I have this habit: every year, the day after Christmas I say to myself, “before you know it, it will be Christmas again”. Sure enough, here we are. I have to be honest, I find parts of this holiday wearing. The biggest frustration I have (and you may share it) is the consumerism of it all. Somehow we…

3 Ways I’m Pursuing My Wife & How it Multiplies Our Love

As a follower of Christ and a husband, I’m learning what it means to truly love my wife “as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Eph 5:25).  That oft-quoted marriage passage is chock full of depth. Most days I find it’s charge unbearable. I’m a man… a human man. I sin and I have selfish tendencies. How can I possibly love my…