5 Important Considerations When Dating To Marry

Dating is a funny thing. It’s not overtly discussed in scripture, and those living somewhere between single and married often ask us for advice. So, I figured it was time to write a post specifically for those who are in serious dating relationships, or want to learn principles for dating when they meet that special someone.

3 Aspects of Unforgettable Dates After “I Do”

We haven’t always been the best at dating. Sure, we’ve been out to dinner and done many activities in the name of pursuing each other, but we haven’t been as intentional about it as we would’ve liked. And as our family has grown we’ve found ourselves dating even less. As we’ve learned and grown in this area, we’ve discovered that there are a few unique…

Your Wife, Your Ultimate Standard of Beauty

This is an issue that will make or break your marriage. Men, we are constantly barraged with culture’s standard of womanly beauty. We’re told over and over again that a beautiful woman must be skinny, tall, wear certain clothes, act a certain way, and have a risqué appetite for sex. (The same is true for the opposite sex as well, but this post is written specifically with…

5 Tips (and Tools) for a Stronger Marriage

Every time of year is a good time to intentionally strengthen your marriage. Many couples Selena and I speak with do have goals, but they rarely include family/marriage related endeavors. Why not? It’s hard to say, but as believers, we’re called to be thoughtful, faithful stewards of EVERY aspect of our lives. So, for a few moments, I want to give you permission to think…

The Amazing Joys of Marriage

A few months ago, Selena and I got to meet one of our heroes in person: Gary Thomas. We were walking into the dining room of a retreat center when we saw Gary and Lisa approaching. Before I could awkwardly introduce myself, he warmly and enthusiastically greeted me: “Hey Ryan!”, he said. I couldn’t believe it. “He knows who we are?” I thought. (In hindsight, it…

The 5 Love Languages (Podcast)

In this episode we discussed Gary Chapman’s amazing book, The 5 Love Languages. In their discussion they explore whether or not they are biblical, and how they can help/hinder your marriage in the different seasons you’re in (pre-kids, having little kids, no kids, retired, etc.). After recently taking the quiz online (go to 5LoveLanguages.com to take the quiz yourself), both were surprised by their results…

The Art of Appreciation

One of the quickest ways to defuse all manner of marital dysfunction is to show and feel appreciation toward one another. The thing about appreciation is that it’s a choice and a skill. I’d even say that just like many things, one can learn the art of appreciation! In this episode of the Fierce Marriage Podcast, we discuss a few ways to exercise your “appreciation…

7 Reasons Why ‘Getting Away’ is Good for Your Marriage (and 10 tools we use for affordable travel)

Getting away with your spouse is a vital part of keeping things renewed and fresh. There’s just something special that happens when you leave your normal routines in favor of deepening your friendship with each other. This means taking time to intentionally disconnect from your everyday world and reconnect with your life partner. I strongly believe that getting away should be a regular (at least…

Loneliness within Marriage

It’s ironic, but many individuals and couples experience loneliness while married. God said, “it is not good for man to be alone”. Why? What else does the Bible say about being alone? In today’s episode, we discuss ways forward into healthy, gospel-driven community with your spouse and others that will bring greater joy to your marriage.