One of the biggest problems faced by modern men (and their wives) is the numbing and inoculation against feeling true emotions. For some, even when they do feel clearly, it’s equally as challenging to articulating those feeling in a healthy way. In this episode, we talked about the hearts and feelings of men (based on this blog post), how wives can help their husbands process…
Accountability in Marriage (What it Is and What it Isn’t)
Accountability in marriage is so much more than asking if and how you’ve sinned in the past week. It’s about spouses embracing their role in each others’ tangible walk with Christ. In this week’s episode, we talked about what accountability isn’t, what it is, and how to ask questions that get to the heart of the matter. Mentioned:Â Get the accountability questions here
Building an Emotionally Safe Marriage (Dr. Josh and Christi Straub)
Josh and Christi are the real deal. Highly educated, faith-filled, and articulate communicators. In today’s special interview episode, we talked about what it takes to have an emotionally safe marriage. We discussed the “fight, flight, or freeze” response to trauma in your marriage, as well as our tendency to gloss over or forget to utilize ’emotion language’ as couples. We enjoyed our conversation, and we…
Uprooting Bitterness In Your Marriage
Seeds and roots of bitterness start subtly. We must be aware and wise to identify them and uproot them before they get out of control. In this episode, we talked about the true root of bitterness (it may not be what you think) and how standing in awe of God is the only true way to uproot it.
Common Lies We Believe About Marriage (and Truths to Dispel Them)
Sometimes marriage is challenging because of a lie we’re believing on some level. For instance, if we believe (deep down) that there’s only one ‘right’ person to marry and we’re in a tough season, we may begin doubting our entire marriage. Another common lie is, “What I do on my own time won’t affect my marriage.” It definitely does. We discussed these lies and more…
Singleness and Dating to the Glory of God
Dating is not something talked about a whole lot in the Bible. We can gather bits and pieces about it, but it can sometimes feel hard to discern the best paths forward in a dating relationship—especially one headed for a fierce marriage. :) In this special podcast episode, we interviewed Kait Warman, a gospel-centered dating “expert” (our word, not hers) and host of the Heart…
3 Aspects of Unforgettable Dates After “I Do”
We haven’t always been the best at dating. Sure, we’ve been out to dinner and done many activities in the name of pursuing each other, but we haven’t been as intentional about it as we would’ve liked. And as our family has grown we’ve found ourselves dating even less. As we’ve learned and grown in this area, we’ve discovered that there are a few unique…
How to Study the Bible as a Couple
Approaching the Bible can be intimidating. We can easily feel overwhelmed or under-equipped. However, reading God’s Word is easily one of, if not THE, most important things you can do as a couple. With that said, take heart! God is faithful to make His word accessible to all who approach it willingly. In today’s episode, Ryan and Selena talked about how to overcome fears, what…
Blended Families: Navigating Complexities with Hope and Joy
Being in a blended family is as complex as it is challenging. The good news is that you aren’t without hope in the Gospel and help from others who care! In today’s special episode of The Fierce Marriage Podcast, we had the incredible joy of speaking with Mike and Kim Anderson, the proverbial “experts” on blended families. Before we get into the podcast episode about…
5 Strategies for Healthy Step-Families
Couples in blended families face some of the most complex issues marriages can possibly face. That’s why I’m thrilled to have this guest blog post from Mike and Kim Anderson. We recently interviewed them on the Fierce Marriage Podcast and our conversation was so helpful that I asked them to write an article. Important note: you can’t talk about step-families without talking about what the…