5 Habits for a Healthy Marriage

A little while ago I wrote about the first thing we’d discuss with you if we could have coffee together. Feel free to read that post if you haven’t, but basically we’d talk about your beliefs. Namely, your belief in the person and work of Jesus Christ and what that means for your marriage. This blog post would be the second conversation we’d have with you.

5 Principles for Creating a Purpose Driven Sex Life

Sex. A word that used to be taboo is now so commonplace you probably won’t go a day without hearing it at least a few times. Everything seems to have something to do with sex. It’s funny really, that such a relatively small portion of anyone’s life is given such a heavy emphasis. Why does sex take up so much of society’s conversational bandwidth? Why are we…

Every Marriage Needs a Savior

Being authors of a marriage blog comes with its ups and downs. On the upside we get to be on the receiving end of encouraging messages (thank you!). On the downside, it’s super easy to coast along, feeling like you have it all together as a married couple… but believe me, there are seasons where we feel as if we are coexisting rather than being married.

Video: Blind Devotion

My wife shared this video with me late last night as I was preparing for bed. She simply texted it to me with a message, “you need to watch this right now”. Selena doesn’t share much in the way of interesting or inspiration articles she finds on the web. So when she insisted I watch, I knew it must be very good. Turns out, she…

Pursuing Deep Intimacy

We’ve all had those moments in our marriage where it seems like everything is perfectly synchronized. It’s like a beautiful song; everyone is on the same wavelength; hubby understands everything we’re saying, both of you are on the same page about everything; intimacy is amazing and you’re marriage feels like it’s thriving on every level. And then the inevitable conflict happens.

Young couple: if we could have coffee together, here’s the one thing I’d tell you

Someone asked me the other day, “If you could have coffee with every young couple who reads your blog, what would you say to them?” The question caught me off guard and I didn’t know how to answer them right away. After a few days of hashing through quick responses, I kept coming up short. I even asked our Facebook family what they’d say (below); the comments are awesome, but…

Sean Lowe: Faith, Fighting Fiercely and His First Year of Marriage

Ryan and I had the privilege of sitting down with last season’s The Bachelor, Sean Lowe, to talk about his first year of marriage to the lovely Catherine (Guidici) Lowe (who had a prior commitment). We asked him some pretty pointed questions about his faith in Jesus, how he fights fiercely for Catherine in their marriage, and how they navigate being normal newlyweds despite their not-so-normal dating relationship.

The Mingling of Souls | An Interview with Matt Chandler

Few pastors have had as potent an impact on our lives and marriage as Matt Chandler. This came as an unexpected surprise when I began listening to The Village Church podcast last May. Why? Certainly, Matt is a gifted communicator but that’s not the source of his effectiveness. Many men are gifted communicators, but what makes Matt’s preaching really stick when Selena and I hear it is…

Fierce Marriage & Family Update #1

It’s funny, we get pretty personal on this site about our marital struggles and epiphanies, but on other things we tend to under-share. I think we assume that not many folks would be interested to hear the nitty-gritty details of our everyday lives, or perhaps we just don’t make time. Either way, we see the FM community as a valuable extension of our family and friends –…

Eyes Fixed on Jesus In Trials and Transitions

Proverbs 21:19: “It is better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome, complaining wife.” Lately God has been convicting me about being “that wife.” As most of you know, we try to keep things transparent and real here in the FM community, so here we go…