The Mingling of Souls | An Interview with Matt Chandler

Few pastors have had as potent an impact on our lives and marriage as Matt Chandler. This came as an unexpected surprise when I began listening to The Village Church podcast last May. Why? Certainly, Matt is a gifted communicator but that’s not the source of his effectiveness. Many men are gifted communicators, but what makes Matt’s preaching really stick when Selena and I hear it is…

10 Resolutions for a Better Marriage This Year

This is my favorite time of year: the time between Christmas and New Year’s day. It’s a perfect blend of the rest of and reassurance of Advent and the anticipation of a new start. We can reflect on the past year and be refreshed as we prepare for the next. It’s a time to feel ambitious. Some start new diets or exercise regimes, others make career and financial goals. In all…

A Red Cup Lesson in Grace

Ever got into an argument with your spouse about a good decision? Post said decision, both of you come to the realization that you were both right in your motivation and approach, but you ended up butting heads anyways.

No Quick Fix to Marital Issues

I recently re-injured my back/neck while carelessly picking Dela up this past week. If you’ve ever experienced not being able to turn your head, stand up straight or move without writhing in pain, it stinks! Especially when you have a (very) busy 10.5 month old (walker, I might add).

Love Never Fails, or Does It?

“Love never fails” is such a tidy phrase; but is it true? We post often about how love never gives up, how marriage has “no plan B”, and as long as you stick together you can make it through anything. We’re strong proponents of fighting hard for your spouse, and loving especially when times get hard.

4 Reminders to Help When Your Marriage is Tough

I sometimes doubt our ability to help marriages. Even as I write this, Selena and I are having communication difficulties. This morning we had a minor, stress-induced argument about trivial things (taking out the garbage, walking the dogs, and cleaning the bedroom). I left to do some work, she’s at home doing the most important work: loving and instructing our daughter. We’re both feeling unresolved…

10 Keys to 42 Years of Loving Marriage

My parents celebrated 42 years of marriage yesterday. I’m incredibly proud of them – especially knowing first-hand all they’ve endured to get there. The best part is that they’re thriving, still deeply committed and in love. I wanted to honor and celebrate them; but I also wanted to learn from them. So I asked them to write out their secrets: “What are 5 things that…

Thankfulness: Learning How to Speak a New Language

If you asked me how I would describe my life in one word, I would of course have to use two and say “in-between.” Our latest life adventure has taken us to the small fishing town of Westport, WA where we are blessed to be able to enjoy summer a stone’s throw away from the beautiful Pacific Ocean.