Video: Marriage Communication and Perspective on the Male Mind

This video is supposed to be a fun jab at marriage communication (or relationships in general)! Please don’t take it too seriously. I almost didn’t share it because I didn’t want our lady readers to feel belittled or that we’re making light of the “just listen” times in marriage.

Battling Fear: Words of faith for marriages on the verge of death

Being bedridden with an intense migraine all day Sunday was not my idea of a relaxing weekend. Attending church was not an option, so viewing a live stream was the next best thing. If you’ve ever heard Roger Archer (of Puyallup Foursquare Church) speak, he is not your typical pastor. He is a fierce bringer of the Word.

Unplug and Unwind; It’s Summertime!

Well, I think summer is officially HERE in Palm Desert (home for us). It’s hit the triple digit mark for heat temperatures and looks to stay that way until late September. Summer is one of my favorite seasons (not in the desert that is) – It holds a lot of memories for Ryan and I. I don’t know if it’s the transition from cold to…

A Letter of Encouragement

Over the past few weeks Ryan and I have received a number of emails and Facebook messages from people reaching out to us and wanting some advice and prayer. The more we interact with our readers the more we learn how a few words of encouragement not only bless others, but bless us as well. This post is unique as it is a letter of…

Proverbs 31 Woman

These past few weeks I’ve been spending time reading and absorbing Proverbs 31. Yes, the famous chapter in the bible about how to be a Godly, virtuous woman. Growing up in the Christian community, I’ve heard sermon after sermon about how to be a “Proverbs 31” woman. Needless to say, it was a chapter that I was almost too familiar with. If you read the…

How do you respond when the pressure’s on?

This past week Ryan and I flew up to Washington for a friend’s wedding. For the past 3 weeks leading up to this trip, I had it planned that our departure time to fly home to Cali was 6:30pm Tuesday. Well, this was a first – it was 11:02am, the Tuesday of our departure and I was trying to check-in to our flight on my computer.

Handle With Care: Wives dealing with pornography in their marriage

As wives, how should we respond to this battle of pornography? More specifically, how do we deal with our husband’s struggle? First of all, it’s no longer his struggle, it’s our struggle. Being Christians and remaining abstinent until we were married, sex wasn’t an issue being newlyweds. It was frequent and awesome – our marriage was, for lack of a better term, GREAT! But as Ryan mentioned in his…

Choose Your Spouse Daily

This past weekend I had the privilege of taking my Young Life small group of girls (known as Campaigners) to a camp designed especially for Campaigners. It was quite the squeeze into my busy photography schedule, but I felt like it was something God wanted me to do.

Compassion Through Solitude

Compassion is essential to a Godly marriage. Easy to say, harder to live out. Marriage seems to be blissful for the first year or so. About 3 years into it, you may find yourselves bickering a little bit more and if you make it to the 5 year mark, it’s said to be smoother sailing (depends on who you ask I guess). For us, we…

Together While Apart

Ryan and I LOVE to travel and due to the nature of our jobs we’ve been able to jet-set quite a bit these last 2 years. Ideally every single trip would be together, but that isn’t always possible. So how can we remain connected and together while we’re apart? I feel like this is something most couples face in our day and age. Travelling for…